Automated detection of adverse drug reactions from social media posts with machine learning
Adverse drug reactions can have serious consequences for patients. Social media is a
source of information useful for detecting previously unknown side effects from a drug since …
source of information useful for detecting previously unknown side effects from a drug since …
Interactive attention network for adverse drug reaction classification
Detection of new adverse drug reactions is intended to both improve the quality of
medications and drug reprofiling. Social media and electronic clinical reports are becoming …
medications and drug reprofiling. Social media and electronic clinical reports are becoming …
[PDF][PDF] Fine-tuning text classification models for named entity oriented sentiment analysis of Russian texts
A Glazkova - Proceedings of the International Conference “ …, 2023 -
The paper presents an approach to named entity oriented sentiment analysis of Russian
news texts proposed during the RuSentNE evaluation. The approach is based on …
news texts proposed during the RuSentNE evaluation. The approach is based on …
Entity-level classification of adverse drug reaction: a comparative analysis of neural network models
An experimental work on the analysis of effectiveness of neural network models applied to
the classification of adverse drug reactions at the entity level is described. Aspect-level …
the classification of adverse drug reactions at the entity level is described. Aspect-level …
Lawyer's intellectual tool for analysis of legal documents in Russian
In the field of jurisprudence, document management plays a key role. Lawyers have to
process a large volume of text documents in order to find necessary information. In this …
process a large volume of text documents in order to find necessary information. In this …
Detecting adverse drug reactions from biomedical texts with neural networks
Detection of adverse drug reactions in postapproval periods is a crucial challenge for
pharmacology. Social media and electronic clinical reports are becoming increasingly …
pharmacology. Social media and electronic clinical reports are becoming increasingly …
Constructing aspect-based sentiment lexicons with topic modeling
We study topic models designed to be used for sentiment analysis, ie, models that extract
certain topics (aspects) from a corpus of documents and mine sentiment-related labels …
certain topics (aspects) from a corpus of documents and mine sentiment-related labels …
Improving the accuracy in sentiment classification in the light of modelling the latent semantic relations
N Rizun, Y Taranenko, W Waloszek - Information, 2018 -
The research presents the methodology of improving the accuracy in sentiment classification
in the light of modelling the latent semantic relations (LSR). The objective of this …
in the light of modelling the latent semantic relations (LSR). The objective of this …
Methodology for text classification using manually created corpora-based sentiment dictionary
N Rizun, W Waloszek - Proceedings of the 10th International Joint …, 2018 -
This paper presented the methodology of Textual Content Classification, which is based on
a combination of algorithms: preliminary forming a contextual framework for the texts in …
a combination of algorithms: preliminary forming a contextual framework for the texts in …
Сравнительный анализ нейронных сетей в задаче классификации побочных эффектов на уровне сущностей в англоязычных текстах
ИС Алимова, ЕВ Тутубалина - Труды Института системного …, 2018 -
В данной работе представлено экспериментальное исследование эффективности
ряда моделей нейронных сетей для задачи классификации побочных эффектов на …
ряда моделей нейронных сетей для задачи классификации побочных эффектов на …