Assessing the current state of plastic pollution research in Antarctica: Knowledge gaps and recommendations
Antarctica stands as one of the most isolated and pristine regions on our planet. Regardless,
recent studies have evidenced the presence of plastic pollution in Antarctic environments …
recent studies have evidenced the presence of plastic pollution in Antarctic environments …
[HTML][HTML] Zooplankton as a suitable tool for microplastic research
In recent years, significant efforts have been dedicated to measuring and comprehending
the impact of microplastics (MPs) in the ocean. Despite harmonization guidelines for MPs …
the impact of microplastics (MPs) in the ocean. Despite harmonization guidelines for MPs …
Museum-archived myctophids reveal decadal trends in microplastic and microfiber ingestion
Global plastic production has surged since the 1960s, resulting in the pervasive presence of
microplastics in the environment, yet there is a substantial gap in understanding historical …
microplastics in the environment, yet there is a substantial gap in understanding historical …
Monitoring plastic pollution using bioindicators: a global review and recommendations for marine environments
Monitoring the movement of plastic into marine food webs is central to understanding and
mitigating the plastic pollution crisis. Bioindicators have been a component of the …
mitigating the plastic pollution crisis. Bioindicators have been a component of the …
[HTML][HTML] Growing into it: evidence of an ontogenetic shift in grey whale use of foraging tactics
Highlights•We used drones to measure behaviour and morphology of eastern grey
whales.•Whale foraging behaviours were associated with morphology and habitat …
whales.•Whale foraging behaviours were associated with morphology and habitat …
Baleen–plastic interactions reveal high risk to all filter-feeding whales from clogging, ingestion, and entanglement
Baleen whales are ecosystem sentinels of microplastic pollution. Research indicates that
they likely ingest millions of anthropogenic microparticles per day when feeding. Their …
they likely ingest millions of anthropogenic microparticles per day when feeding. Their …
Behavioral and molecular effects of micro and nanoplastics across three plastic types in fish: weathered microfibers induce a similar response to nanosized particles
Micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) are ubiquitous in the environment and have been detected
in most ecosystems, including remote regions. The class of contaminants under the MNP …
in most ecosystems, including remote regions. The class of contaminants under the MNP …
[HTML][HTML] Interactive effects between water temperature, microparticle compositions, and fiber types on the marine keystone species Americamysis bahia
Recently, there has been an increasing emphasis on examining the ecotoxicological effects
of anthropogenic microparticles (MPs), especially microplastic particles, and related issues …
of anthropogenic microparticles (MPs), especially microplastic particles, and related issues …
Integrating the needs of recovering populations of baleen whales into the revised management framework for the commercial fishery for Antarctic krill
We consider how the ongoing recovery of baleen whale populations requires improved
understanding when managing the largest commercial fishery in the Southern Ocean, the …
understanding when managing the largest commercial fishery in the Southern Ocean, the …
Spatial patterns of microparticle ingestion by myctophids near a major river mouth in the northeast Pacific Ocean
Introduction Plastics carried in the outflow of major rivers can be made available and
subsequently ingested by marine fishes, causing lethal and sublethal effects. Highly …
subsequently ingested by marine fishes, causing lethal and sublethal effects. Highly …