Reactive chemical transport simulations of geologic carbon sequestration: Methods and applications
Chemical reaction simulations are considerably used to quantitatively assess the long-term
geologic carbon sequestration (GCS), such as CO 2 sequestration capacity estimations …
geologic carbon sequestration (GCS), such as CO 2 sequestration capacity estimations …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of CO2 hydrates on injectivity during CO2 storage in depleted gas fields: A literature review
Carbon dioxide capture and storage in subsurface geological formations is a potential
solution to limit anthropogenic CO 2 emissions and combat global warming. Depleted gas …
solution to limit anthropogenic CO 2 emissions and combat global warming. Depleted gas …
Permeability prediction of porous media using a combination of computational fluid dynamics and hybrid machine learning methods
Permeability prediction is crucial in shale gas and CO 2 geological sequestration. However,
the intricate pore structure complicates the prediction of permeability. Machine learning (ML) …
the intricate pore structure complicates the prediction of permeability. Machine learning (ML) …
Capillary‐driven backflow during salt precipitation in a rough fracture
Salt precipitation is a crucial process occurring during CO2 injection into saline aquifers. It
significantly alters the porous space, leading to reduced permeability and impaired …
significantly alters the porous space, leading to reduced permeability and impaired …
Injection of supercritical CO2 for geothermal exploitation from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs: CO2–water–rock interactions and their effects
CO 2 can be injected into geothermal reservoirs to exploit geothermal energy. It is of
concern that complex geochemical reactions induced by CO 2 can result in change of the …
concern that complex geochemical reactions induced by CO 2 can result in change of the …
[HTML][HTML] Pore scale modeling and evaluation of clogging behavior of salt crystal aggregates in CO2-rich phase during carbon storage
The optimal CO 2 storage operation requires high permeability in the near-well region in
order to keep it safe and cost-efficient. Nucleation and growth of salt crystals driven by the …
order to keep it safe and cost-efficient. Nucleation and growth of salt crystals driven by the …
The technology of CO2 sequestration by mineral carbonation: current status and future prospects
Mineral carbonation (MC) has been extensively researched all over the world since it was
found as a naturally exothermic process to permanently sequester CO2. In order to …
found as a naturally exothermic process to permanently sequester CO2. In order to …
Three-dimensional printing for geoscience: Fundamental research, education, and applications for the petroleum industry
ABSTRACT Three-dimensional (3-D) printing provides a fast, cost-effective way to produce
and replicate complicated designs with minimal flaws and little material waste. Early use of 3 …
and replicate complicated designs with minimal flaws and little material waste. Early use of 3 …
Improved permeability prediction of porous media by feature selection and machine learning methods comparison
Permeability of subsurface porous media is one of the primary factors that affect fluid
transport in porous rock. However, accurate prediction of rock permeability is a challenging …
transport in porous rock. However, accurate prediction of rock permeability is a challenging …
Critical knowledge gaps for understanding water–rock–working phase interactions for compressed energy storage in porous formations
Storage of air or compressed gas in porous formations is a promising means of large-scale,
long-term energy storage, but salt caverns have predominantly been used for storage to …
long-term energy storage, but salt caverns have predominantly been used for storage to …