Superconductivity in dilute SrTiO3: A review

MN Gastiasoro, J Ruhman, RM Fernandes - Annals of Physics, 2020 - Elsevier
Doped SrTiO 3, one of the most dilute bulk systems to display superconductivity, is perhaps
the first example of an unconventional superconductor, as it does not fit into the standard …

Pre-formed Cooper pairs in copper oxides and LaAlO3—SrTiO3 heterostructures

I Božović, J Levy - Nature Physics, 2020 -
Abstract The Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer theory of superconductivity and the Landau–Fermi
liquid theory form the basis of our current understanding of conventional superconductors …

Weak-coupling theory of pair density wave instabilities in transition metal dichalcogenides

D Shaffer, FJ Burnell, RM Fernandes - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
The possibility of realizing pair density wave (PDW) phases, in which Cooper pairs have a
finite momentum, presents an interesting challenge that has been studied in a wide variety …

Gap suppression at a Lifshitz transition in a multi-condensate superconductor

G Singh, A Jouan, G Herranz, M Scigaj, F Sánchez… - Nature materials, 2019 -
In multi-orbital materials, superconductivity can exhibit several coupled condensates. In this
context, quantum confinement in two-dimensional superconducting oxide interfaces offers …

Potential Lifshitz transition at optimal substitution in nematic pnictide Ba1−xSrxNi2As2

DM Narayan, P Hao, R Kurleto, BS Berggren… - Science …, 2023 -
BaNi2As2 is a structural analog of the pnictide superconductor BaFe2As2, which, like the
iron-based superconductors, hosts a variety of ordered phases including charge density …

Anisotropic superconductivity mediated by ferroelectric fluctuations in cubic systems with spin-orbit coupling

MN Gastiasoro, TV Trevisan, RM Fernandes - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Motivated by the experimental observation that superconductivity in bulk doped SrTiO 3 is
enhanced as a putative ferroelectric quantum critical point (FE-QCP) is approached, we …

Multiorbital ferroelectric superconductivity in doped

S Kanasugi, Y Yanase - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
SrTiO 3 is a unique example of a system which exhibits both quantum paraelectricity and
superconductivity. Thus, it is expected that the superconducting state is closely related to the …

Constrained weak-coupling superconductivity in multiband superconductors

NH Aase, CS Johnsen, A Sudbø - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We consider superconductivity in a system with N Fermi surfaces, including intraband and
interband effective electron-electron interactions. The effective interaction is described by an …

Phonon-mediated superconductivity in low carrier-density systems

MN Gastiasoro, AV Chubukov, RM Fernandes - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
Motivated by the observation of superconductivity in SrTiO 3 and Bi, we analyze phonon-
mediated superconductivity in three-dimensional systems at low carrier density, when the …