[HTML][HTML] 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics: Introduction and Review
Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks and gluons, whose interactions can be
described by a local SU (3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers” …
described by a local SU (3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers” …
Glueballs, hybrids, multiquarks: Experimental facts versus QCD inspired concepts
E Klempt, A Zaitsev - Physics Reports, 2007 - Elsevier
Glueballs, hybrids and multiquark states are predicted as bound states in models guided by
quantum chromo dynamics (QCD), by QCD sum rules or QCD on a lattice. Estimates for the …
quantum chromo dynamics (QCD), by QCD sum rules or QCD on a lattice. Estimates for the …
The new heavy mesons: a status report
ES Swanson - Physics Reports, 2006 - Elsevier
A survey of the experimental, phenomenological, and theoretical status of the new heavy
mesons is presented. States discussed are the Bc, hc, ηc′, Ds (2317), Ds (2460), X (3872) …
mesons is presented. States discussed are the Bc, hc, ηc′, Ds (2317), Ds (2460), X (3872) …
Progress towards understanding baryon resonances
V Crede, W Roberts - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
The composite nature of baryons manifests itself in the existence of a rich spectrum of
excited states, in particular in the important mass region 1–2 GeV for the light-flavoured …
excited states, in particular in the important mass region 1–2 GeV for the light-flavoured …
Baryon spectroscopy
E Klempt, JM Richard - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
About 120 baryons and baryon resonances are known, from the abundant nucleon with u
and d light-quark constituents up to the Ξ b−=(bsd), which contains one quark of each …
and d light-quark constituents up to the Ξ b−=(bsd), which contains one quark of each …
Light baryon spectroscopy
A Thiel, F Afzal, Y Wunderlich - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
This review treats the advances in Light Baryon Spectroscopy of the last two decades, which
were mainly obtained by measuring meson-production reactions at photon facilities all over …
were mainly obtained by measuring meson-production reactions at photon facilities all over …
Decoherence, entanglement and irreversibility in quantum dynamical systems with few degrees of freedom
In this review we summarize and amplify recent investigations of coupled quantum
dynamical systems with few degrees of freedom in the short-wavelength, semiclassical limit …
dynamical systems with few degrees of freedom in the short-wavelength, semiclassical limit …
Restoration of chiral and U (1) A symmetries in excited hadrons
LY Glozman - Physics reports, 2007 - Elsevier
The effective restoration of SU (2) L× SU (2) R and U (1) A chiral symmetries of QCD in
excited hadrons is reviewed. While the low-lying hadron spectrum is mostly shaped by the …
excited hadrons is reviewed. While the low-lying hadron spectrum is mostly shaped by the …
Vacuum phenomenology of the chiral partner of the nucleon in a linear sigma model<? format?> with vector mesons
We investigate a linear sigma model with global chiral U (2) R× U (2) L symmetry. The
mesonic degrees of freedom are the standard scalar and pseudoscalar mesons and the …
mesonic degrees of freedom are the standard scalar and pseudoscalar mesons and the …
Interweaving chiral spirals
We elaborate how to construct interweaving chiral spirals in (2+ 1) dimensions, defined as a
superposition of chiral spirals oriented in different directions. We divide a two-dimensional …
superposition of chiral spirals oriented in different directions. We divide a two-dimensional …