Balancing protection and production in ocean conservation
With the acceleration of the global biodiversity and climate crises, the need to protect and
sustainably manage ocean resources has never been greater. However, the science …
sustainably manage ocean resources has never been greater. However, the science …
Review of the central and south atlantic shelf and deep-sea benthos: science, policy, and management
SJ Hawkins, PA Todd, BD Russell… - … and Marine Biology …, 2023 - books.google.com
Abstract The Central and South Atlantic represents a vast ocean area and is home to a
diverse range of ecosystems and species. Nevertheless, and similar to the rest of the global …
diverse range of ecosystems and species. Nevertheless, and similar to the rest of the global …
Depth and latitudinal gradients of diversity in seamount benthic communities
Aim Latitudinal and bathymetric species diversity gradients in the deep sea have been
identified, but studies have rarely considered these gradients across hard substratum …
identified, but studies have rarely considered these gradients across hard substratum …
Assessing the carbon sink capacity of coastal mariculture shellfish resources in China from 1981–2020
Y Gu, S Lyu, L Wang, Z Chen, X Wang - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The ocean has considerable potential to function as a carbon sink, absorbing anthropogenic
CO2 and buffering the effects of climate change. How the culture of shellfish can be used to …
CO2 and buffering the effects of climate change. How the culture of shellfish can be used to …
[HTML][HTML] Variability in zoobenthic blue carbon storage across a southern polar gradient
BAV Frinault, DKA Barnes - Marine Environmental Research, 2024 - Elsevier
The seabed of the Antarctic continental shelf hosts most of Antarctica's known species,
including taxa considered indicative of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Nonetheless …
including taxa considered indicative of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Nonetheless …
Quantifying zoobenthic blue carbon storage across habitats within the Arctic's Barents Sea
TA Souster, DKA Barnes, R Primicerio… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Introduction The Arctic sea ice extent in September (when it is at its lowest) has declined
13% Q10 per decade, and the Arctic Ocean is becoming a more Atlantic-influenced system …
13% Q10 per decade, and the Arctic Ocean is becoming a more Atlantic-influenced system …
Towards incorporation of blue carbon in Falkland Islands marine spatial planning: a multi-tiered approach
Ecosystem-based conservation that includes carbon sinks, alongside a linked carbon credit
system, as part of a nature-based solution to combating climate change, could help reduce …
system, as part of a nature-based solution to combating climate change, could help reduce …
Blue carbon storage in a sub-Antarctic marine protected area
High-latitude ecosystems have been overlooked in carbon budgets, which traditionally focus
on mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. The benthic assemblages and their Nature …
on mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. The benthic assemblages and their Nature …
Pricing blue carbon to promote the protection and restoration of the marine environment: A real option model
SS Jiang, JM Li - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2024 - Elsevier
Pricing blue carbon will allow the monetization of the implicit carbon sequestration value of
socioeconomic activities in marine ecosystems. This will empower those engaged in marine …
socioeconomic activities in marine ecosystems. This will empower those engaged in marine …
Blue Carbon in a Sub-Antarctic Marine Protected Area: Current and Future Perspectives
Carbon fixation, storage, and eventual sequestration by marine ecosystems are known as
“blue carbon”. This carbon uptake by the oceanic biological pump reduces atmospheric …
“blue carbon”. This carbon uptake by the oceanic biological pump reduces atmospheric …