QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programs
Quick Check is a tool which aids the Haskell programmer in formulating and testing
properties of programs. Properties are described as Haskell functions, and can be …
properties of programs. Properties are described as Haskell functions, and can be …
A history of Haskell: being lazy with class
A history of Haskell Page 1 A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class Paul Hudak Yale
University paul.hudak@yale.edu John Hughes Chalmers University rjmh@cs.chalmers.se …
University paul.hudak@yale.edu John Hughes Chalmers University rjmh@cs.chalmers.se …
QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programs
QuickCheck is a tool which aids the Haskell programmer in formulating and testing
properties of programs. Properties are discribed as Haskell functions, and can be …
properties of programs. Properties are discribed as Haskell functions, and can be …
Parsec: Direct style monadic parser combinators for the real world
D Leijen, E Meijer - 2001 - microsoft.com
Despite the long list of publications on parser combinators, there does not yet exist a
monadic parser combinator library that is applicable in real world situations. In particular …
monadic parser combinator library that is applicable in real world situations. In particular …
Composing contracts: an adventure in financial engineering (functional pearl)
Financial and insurance contracts do not sound like promising territory for functional
programming and formal semantics, but in fact we have discovered that insights from …
programming and formal semantics, but in fact we have discovered that insights from …
FreshML: Programming with binders made simple
FreshML extends ML with elegant and practical constructs for declaring and manipulating
syntactical data involving statically scoped binding operations. User-declared FreshML …
syntactical data involving statically scoped binding operations. User-declared FreshML …
Nikola: embedding compiled GPU functions in Haskell
We describe Nikola, a first-order language of array computations embedded in Haskell that
compiles to GPUs via CUDA using a new set of type-directed techniques to support re …
compiles to GPUs via CUDA using a new set of type-directed techniques to support re …
Compiling embedded languages
Functional languages are particularly well-suited to the interpretive implementations of
Domain-Specific Embedded Languages (DSELs). We describe an implemented technique …
Domain-Specific Embedded Languages (DSELs). We describe an implemented technique …
Combining deep and shallow embedding for EDSL
When compiling embedded languages it is natural to use an abstract syntax tree to
represent programs. This is known as a deep embedding and it is a rather cumbersome …
represent programs. This is known as a deep embedding and it is a rather cumbersome …
Type-safe observable sharing in Haskell
Haskell is a great language for writing and supporting embedded Domain Specific
Languages (DSLs). Some form of observable sharing is often a critical capability for allowing …
Languages (DSLs). Some form of observable sharing is often a critical capability for allowing …