Analysis methods of irregular high-rise buildings subjected to seismic loads
MS Intekhab, S Das, MA Jajnery, S Akhtar… - Journal of Vibration …, 2023 - Springer
Background Seismic analysis of structures is required for the design of high-rise building as
these are hazards that threat the built environment and human life. However, it was …
these are hazards that threat the built environment and human life. However, it was …
The probabilistic seismic assessment of aged concrete arch bridges: The role of soil-structure interaction
This study aims to investigate the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the seismic
response of a medium-span old concrete arch bridge in Iran's railway network, through …
response of a medium-span old concrete arch bridge in Iran's railway network, through …
Assessment of seismic vulnerability of continuous bridges considering soil-structure interaction and wave passage effects
OMO Ramadan, SSF Mehanny, AAM Kotb - Engineering Structures, 2020 - Elsevier
Identical ground motion excitations at all supports are typically assumed in practice for the
design and seismic analysis of structures. Such assumption is customarily made despite the …
design and seismic analysis of structures. Such assumption is customarily made despite the …
3D soil structure interaction effects on the seismic behavior of single span historical masonry bridge
Historical masonry bridges are cultural heritage of countries and must be protected from
destructive effects of nature such as earthquakes, floods, and fires. The interaction of soil …
destructive effects of nature such as earthquakes, floods, and fires. The interaction of soil …
Seismic assessment of irregular RC frames with tall ground story incorporating nonlinear soil–structure interaction
H Asadi-Ghoozhdi, R Attarnejad, AR Masoodi… - Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper is dedicated to evaluate the nonlinear Soil–Structure Interaction (SSI) impact on
the earthquake-based response of vertically irregular reinforced concrete (RC) moment …
the earthquake-based response of vertically irregular reinforced concrete (RC) moment …
Effect of soil–pile–structure interaction on seismic behaviour of RC building frames
J Visuvasam, SS Chandrasekaran - Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 2019 - Springer
Pile foundations are generally used to support important industrial buildings, especially
located in coastal regions where the major portion is covered by loose soil deposits. They …
located in coastal regions where the major portion is covered by loose soil deposits. They …
Different soil-structure interaction modelling strategies for seismic analysis of a masonry church
Masonry structures can be damaged different external reasons such as war, flood,
earthquake etc. For protecting and transfer to the next generations, these structures can be …
earthquake etc. For protecting and transfer to the next generations, these structures can be …
Soil-structure interaction and frequency components of near-fault records on the performance-based confidence levels of steel setback MRFs
S Mashhadi, F Homaei - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the role of soil-structure interaction (SSI) in the confidence levels of
setback steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) for meeting the structural performance …
setback steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) for meeting the structural performance …
The performance-based seismic response of special steel MRF: Effects of pulse-like ground motion and foundation safety factor
S Mashhadi, A Asadi, F Homaei, H Tajammolian - Structures, 2020 - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate the effect of near-fault pulse-like earthquake ground motions
as well as the foundation safety factor, on the performance-based seismic response (PBSR) …
as well as the foundation safety factor, on the performance-based seismic response (PBSR) …
Numerical simulation of seismic collapse mechanisms of vertically irregular steel high-rise buildings
RR Azghandi, H Shakib, M Zakersalehi - Journal of Constructional Steel …, 2020 - Elsevier
The effect of mass and stiffness vertical irregularities on the collapse mechanism and
resistance of steel high-rise structures is investigated using 3-D numerical simulations …
resistance of steel high-rise structures is investigated using 3-D numerical simulations …