Is high self-esteem beneficial? Revisiting a classic question.
Debates about the benefits of self-esteem have persisted for decades, both in the scientific
literature and in the popular press. Although many researchers and lay people have argued …
literature and in the popular press. Although many researchers and lay people have argued …
[HTML][HTML] Development of self-esteem from age 4 to 94 years: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.
U Orth, RY Erol, EC Luciano - Psychological bulletin, 2018 -
To investigate the normative trajectory of self-esteem across the life span, this meta-analysis
synthesizes the available longitudinal data on mean-level change in self-esteem. The …
synthesizes the available longitudinal data on mean-level change in self-esteem. The …
The link between self-esteem and social relationships: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.
Theorists have long assumed that people's self-esteem and social relationships influence
each other. However, the empirical evidence has been inconsistent, creating substantial …
each other. However, the empirical evidence has been inconsistent, creating substantial …
The development of self-esteem
In this article, we review new insights gained from recent longitudinal studies examining the
development of self-esteem and its influence on important life outcomes. The evidence …
development of self-esteem and its influence on important life outcomes. The evidence …
Offense is the best defense: the impact of workplace bullying on knowledge hiding
Z Yao, X Zhang, J Luo, H Huang - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2020 -
Purpose Workplace bullying is a common negative event suffered by employees in the
workplace. The harm it brings to the organization has become the focus of the field of …
workplace. The harm it brings to the organization has become the focus of the field of …
Why do people use Facebook?
The social networking site, Facebook, has gained an enormous amount of popularity. In this
article, we review the literature on the factors contributing to Facebook use. We propose a …
article, we review the literature on the factors contributing to Facebook use. We propose a …
Self-esteem in early adolescence as predictor of depressive symptoms in late adolescence and early adulthood: The mediating role of motivational and social factors
Ample research has shown that low self-esteem increases the risk to develop depressive
symptoms during adolescence. However, the mechanism underlying this association …
symptoms during adolescence. However, the mechanism underlying this association …
The role of leader support in facilitating proactive work behavior: A perspective from attachment theory
Researchers have proposed that leader support helps employees behave proactively at
work. Leader support can facilitate the opportunities for employees to bring about change …
work. Leader support can facilitate the opportunities for employees to bring about change …
Identity motives
VL Vignoles - Handbook of identity theory and research, 2011 - Springer
In this chapter, I review the literature on motivated identity construction, drawing together
insights and evidence from diverse theoretical perspectives, and I propose the foundations …
insights and evidence from diverse theoretical perspectives, and I propose the foundations …
Origins of narcissism in children
Narcissism levels have been increasing among Western youth, and contribute to societal
problems such as aggression and violence. The origins of narcissism, however, are not well …
problems such as aggression and violence. The origins of narcissism, however, are not well …