Advances in new generation diluted magnetic semiconductors with independent spin and charge do**

G Zhao, Z Deng, C ** - Journal of Semiconductors, 2019 -
As one branch of spintronics, diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) are extensively
investigated due to their fundamental significance and potential application in modern …

Progress of novel diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors with decoupled spin and charge do**: Counterparts of Fe-based superconductors

S Guo, F Ning - Chinese Physics B, 2018 -
Diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors (DMSs) that combine the properties of
semiconductors with ferromagnetism have potential application in spin-sensitive electronic …

Microscopic mechanism of high-temperature ferromagnetism in Fe, Mn, and Cr-doped InSb, InAs, and GaSb magnetic semiconductors

JY You, B Gu, S Maekawa, G Su - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
In recent experiments, high Curie temperatures T c above room temperature were reported
in ferromagnetic semiconductors Fe-doped GaSb and InSb, while low T c between 20 K to …

Single Crystal Growth and Spin Polarization Measurements of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor (BaK)(ZnMn)2As2

GQ Zhao, CJ Lin, Z Deng, GX Gu, S Yu, XC Wang… - Scientific Reports, 2017 -
Recently a new diluted magnetic semiconductor,(Ba, K)(Zn, Mn) 2As2 (BZA), with high Curie
temperature was discovered, showing an independent spin and charge-do** mechanism …

Local atomic and magnetic structure of dilute magnetic semiconductor

BA Frandsen, Z Gong, MW Terban, S Banerjee, B Chen… - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
We have studied the atomic and magnetic structure of the dilute ferromagnetic
semiconductor system (Ba, K)(Zn, Mn) 2 As 2 through atomic and magnetic pair distribution …

Electronic structure of the high- ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb: X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonance photoemission spectroscopy studies

S Sakamoto, NT Tu, Y Takeda, S Fujimori, PN Hai… - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
The electronic structure and the magnetism of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga, Fe) Sb,
whose Curie temperature TC can exceed room temperature, were investigated by means of …

Diluted magnetic semiconductors with narrow band gaps

B Gu, S Maekawa - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
We propose a method to realize diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) with p-and n-type
carriers by choosing host semiconductors with a narrow band gap. By employing a …

(Sr1-xNax)(Cd1-xMnx) 2As2: A new charge and spin do** decoupled diluted magnetic semiconductors with CaAl2Si2-type structure

B Chen, Z Deng, W Li, M Gao, Z Li, G Zhao… - Journal of Applied …, 2016 -
We report the synthesis and characterization of a new bulk diluted ferromagnetic
semiconductor via Na and Mn co-do** in SrCd 2 As 2 with a hexagonal CaAl 2 Si 2-type …

New fluoride-arsenide diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ba, K) F (Zn, Mn) As with independent spin and charge do**

B Chen, Z Deng, W Li, M Gao, Q Liu, CZ Gu, FX Hu… - Scientific reports, 2016 -
We report the discovery of a new fluoride-arsenide bulk diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ba,
K) F (Zn, Mn) As with the tetragonal ZrCuSiAs-type structure which is identical to that of the …

[PDF][PDF] Tailoring magnetism in semiconductors

I Žutić, T Zhou - Science China. Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018 -
While logic devices in conventional electronics rely on the control of the charged carriers in
the semiconductor chips, robust information storage in computer hard drives and magnetic …