Recent intensified erosion and massive sediment deposition in Tibetan Plateau rivers
Recent climate change has caused an increase in warming-driven erosion and sediment
transport processes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Yet a lack of measurements hinders our …
transport processes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Yet a lack of measurements hinders our …
Improving river routing using a differentiable Muskingum‐Cunge model and physics‐informed machine learning
Recently, rainfall‐runoff simulations in small headwater basins have been improved by
methodological advances such as deep neural networks (NNs) and hybrid physics‐NN …
methodological advances such as deep neural networks (NNs) and hybrid physics‐NN …
Spatial trends and drivers of bedload and suspended sediment fluxes in global rivers
Bedload is notoriously challenging to measure and model; its dynamics, therefore, remains
largely unknown in most fluvial systems worldwide. We present results from a global scale …
largely unknown in most fluvial systems worldwide. We present results from a global scale …
Where rivers jump course
Rivers can abruptly shift pathways in rare events called avulsions, which cause devastating
floods. The controls on avulsion locations are poorly understood as a result of sparse data …
floods. The controls on avulsion locations are poorly understood as a result of sparse data …
[HTML][HTML] Retrieval of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Arabian Gulf water of arid region by Sentinel-2 data
Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in water increases temperature and turbidity,
limits the photosynthesis of aquatic plants, and reduces biologically available oxygen. It is …
limits the photosynthesis of aquatic plants, and reduces biologically available oxygen. It is …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding the compound flood risk along the coast of the contiguous United States
Compound flooding is a type of flood event caused by multiple flood drivers. The associated
risk has usually been assessed using statistics-based analyses or hydrodynamics-based …
risk has usually been assessed using statistics-based analyses or hydrodynamics-based …
Assessing the impact of climate change on sediment discharge using a large ensemble rainfall dataset in Pekerebetsu River basin, Hokkaido
Increased rainfall associated with climate change can increase sediment discharge. The
supply of fine sediment from slope failures inhibits bed armoring of mountain rivers and …
supply of fine sediment from slope failures inhibits bed armoring of mountain rivers and …
Quantifying the role of sediment trap** by dams is important due to its control on fluvial
and coastal geomorphology, aquatic ecology, water quality, and human water uses …
and coastal geomorphology, aquatic ecology, water quality, and human water uses …