Near-field communications: A comprehensive survey
Multiple-antenna technologies are evolving towards larger aperture sizes, extremely high
frequencies, and innovative antenna types. This evolution is fostering the emergence of near …
frequencies, and innovative antenna types. This evolution is fostering the emergence of near …
The road to next-generation multiple access: A 50-year tutorial review
The evolution of wireless communications has been significantly influenced by remarkable
advancements in multiple access (MA) technologies over the past five decades, sha** the …
advancements in multiple access (MA) technologies over the past five decades, sha** the …
Next generation advanced transceiver technologies for 6G and beyond
To accommodate new applications such as extended reality, fully autonomous vehicular
networks and the metaverse, next generation wireless networks are going to be subject to …
networks and the metaverse, next generation wireless networks are going to be subject to …
Simultaneously transmitting and reflecting surfaces for ubiquitous next generation multiple access in 6G and beyond
The ultimate goal of next generation multiple access (NGMA) is to support massive terminals
and facilitate multiple functionalities over the limited radio resources of wireless networks in …
and facilitate multiple functionalities over the limited radio resources of wireless networks in …
A primer on near-field communications for next-generation multiple access
Multiple-antenna technologies are advancing toward the development of extremely large
aperture arrays and the utilization of extremely high frequencies, driving the progress of next …
aperture arrays and the utilization of extremely high frequencies, driving the progress of next …
Internet of things (iot): Origin, embedded technologies, smart applications and its growth in the last decade
The idea of the IoT began back in 1982 when a vending machine was connected to the
internet, then to the concept of Mark Weiser in 1992, then RFID, and so on. A detailed …
internet, then to the concept of Mark Weiser in 1992, then RFID, and so on. A detailed …
Physical layer security in near-field communications
A near-field secure transmission framework is proposed. Employing the hybrid beamforming
architecture, a multi-antenna base station (BS) transmits confidential information to a multi …
architecture, a multi-antenna base station (BS) transmits confidential information to a multi …
Modeling and analysis of near-field ISAC
As technologies envisioned for next-generation wireless networks significantly extend the
near-field region, it is of interest to reevaluate integrated sensing and communications …
near-field region, it is of interest to reevaluate integrated sensing and communications …
Near-field integrated sensing, positioning, and communication: A downlink and uplink framework
A near-field integrated sensing, positioning, and communication (ISPAC) framework is
proposed, where a base station (BS) simultaneously serves multiple communication users …
proposed, where a base station (BS) simultaneously serves multiple communication users …
Near-field velocity sensing and predictive beamforming
The novel concept of near-field velocity sensing is proposed. In contrast to far-field velocity
sensing, near-field velocity sensing enables the simultaneous estimation of both radial and …
sensing, near-field velocity sensing enables the simultaneous estimation of both radial and …