Smart hospitality—Interconnectivity and interoperability towards an ecosystem

D Buhalis, R Leung - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018 - Elsevier
The Internet and cloud computing changed the way business operate. Standardised web-
based applications simplify data interchange which allow internal applications and business …

Smart hotels and technological applications

A Dalgic, K Birdir - Handbook of research on smart technology …, 2020 -
Technological developments and demographic changes have started to encourage the
hotel businesses to use automation systems and adapt the concept of smart hotel. Smart …

Framework for a hospitality big data warehouse: The implementation of an efficient hospitality business intelligence system

CMQ Ramos, DJ Martins, F Serra, R Lam… - International Journal of …, 2017 -
In order to increase the hotel's competitiveness, to maximize its revenue, to meliorate its
online reputation and improve customer relationship, the information about the hotel's …

Business intelligence and open data: The possibilities for the derivation of valuable information in tourism domain

M Blagojević, M Papić, D Garabinović - … у хотелијерству и туризму, 2020 -
This paper aims to introduce the concept of data analysis which could easily be
implemented by anybody involved in the subject matter with basic IT knowledge and skills …

An innovative management perspective for organizations through a reputation intelligence management model

CMQ Ramos, AM Casado-Molina… - International Journal of …, 2019 -
Banking companies aiming to maintain their sustainability in financial markets need to
develop an integrated management based on the most important intangibles assets of …

Decision support system using data warehouse for retail system

AS Girsang, G Arisandi, C Elysisa… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
CMK company is a retail company that sell and distributes miniature vehicle items to small
stores. CMK has several branches in various countries that use for operational and storage …

Business intelligence applied to tourism

CMQ Ramos - Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine …, 2023 -
Business intelligence is a set of tools, technologies, and operations that enable a company
to collect and present valuable data for a tourism organization in dashboards or reports with …

Data warehouse development for flight reservation system

YF Alfredo, AS Girsang, SM Isa… - … Association for Pattern …, 2018 -
XYZ company is an online travel company that provides services for booking hotel and flight.
As the companies grow fast, they need fast report to help the management create a decision …

Business Solution for Choosing Products Using Data Warehouse in Payment Solution

I Alexander, R Rassetiadi, S Garcia… - 2018 Indonesian …, 2018 -
In this increasingly modern world, marketing is a very interesting job. If more products are
purchased by customers then the salary received is also higher. One of important issue in …

Desenvolvimento de criogéis funcionalizados com barbituratos para a purificação de uma vacina de DNA plasmídico contra o Influenza

ASP Martins - 2016 -
O vírus influenza é a causa de uma doença respiratória grave, comummente chamada de
gripe, de elevada transmissibilidade e distribuição global e que provoca elevados níveis de …