Network slicing based learning techniques for iov in 5g and beyond networks
The effects of transport development on people's lives are diverse, ranging from economy to
tourism, health care, etc. Great progress has been made in this area, which has led to the …
tourism, health care, etc. Great progress has been made in this area, which has led to the …
[HTML][HTML] 6G service-oriented space-air-ground integrated network: A survey
As an indispensable component of the emerging 6G networks, Space-Air-Ground Integrated
Networks (SAGINs) are envisioned to provide ubiquitous network connectivity and services …
Networks (SAGINs) are envisioned to provide ubiquitous network connectivity and services …
Opportunistic capacity based resource allocation for 6G wireless systems with network slicing
With the rapid increase of wireless application demand, 6G Wireless Systems need to further
support the heterogeneous communication service contents with limited spectrum …
support the heterogeneous communication service contents with limited spectrum …
QoS-driven spectrum sharing for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) aided vehicular networks
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have the capability of reconfiguring the wireless
environment in a favorable way to improve the quality-of-service (QoS) of wireless …
environment in a favorable way to improve the quality-of-service (QoS) of wireless …
Resource allocation for intelligent reflecting surface aided vehicular communications
This article studies the resource allocation for intelligent reflecting surface aided vehicular
communications based on slowly varying large-scale fading channel information. To meet …
communications based on slowly varying large-scale fading channel information. To meet …
Toward tailored resource allocation of slices in 6G networks with softwarization and virtualization
Compared with 5G networks, 6G networks are guaranteed to provide various tailored end-to-
end network services and emerging cloud-edge applications. Network slicing (NS) is …
end network services and emerging cloud-edge applications. Network slicing (NS) is …
Service-oriented dynamic resource slicing and optimization for space-air-ground integrated vehicular networks
In this paper, we study Space-Air-Ground integrated Vehicular Network (SAGVN), and
propose an online control framework to dynamically slice the SAG spectrum resource for …
propose an online control framework to dynamically slice the SAG spectrum resource for …
Task offloading for wireless VR-enabled medical treatment with blockchain security using collective reinforcement learning
Wireless virtual reality (VR)-enabled medical treatment (WVMT) system, integrating the VR
technology and the platform of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), is a promising …
technology and the platform of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), is a promising …
Slicing-based task offloading in space-air-ground integrated vehicular networks
A slicing-based collaborative task offloading framework for space-air-ground integrated
vehicular networks is proposed in this study, which can provide differentiated quality-of …
vehicular networks is proposed in this study, which can provide differentiated quality-of …
Softwarized resource allocation in digital twins-empowered networks for future quantum-enabled consumer applications
Network softwarization (NetSoft), recognized as crucial attribute of 6G networks, promises to
provide enhanced and advanced services, including future quantum-enabled consumer …
provide enhanced and advanced services, including future quantum-enabled consumer …