Disordered topological insulators: a non-commutative geometry perspective

E Prodan - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2011‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The progress in the field of topological insulators is impetuous, being sustained by a suite of
exciting results on three fronts: experiment, theory and numerical simulation. Very often, the …

Bulk and boundary invariants for complex topological insulators

E Prodan, H Schulz-Baldes - K, 2016‏ - Springer
Topological insulators are crystalline solids with supposedly very special properties. If
stumbling upon such a crystal, which is possible because topological insulators are known …

The bulk-edge correspondence in three simple cases

J Shapiro - Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2020‏ - World Scientific
We present examples in three symmetry classes of topological insulators in one or two
dimensions where the proof of the bulk-edge correspondence is particularly simple. This …

Anomalous bulk-edge correspondence in continuous media

C Tauber, P Delplace, A Venaille - Physical Review Research, 2020‏ - APS
Topology plays an increasing role in physics beyond the realm of topological insulators in
condensed mater. From geophysical fluids to active matter, acoustics or photonics, a …

Honeycomb Schrödinger operators in the strong binding regime

CL Fefferman, JP Lee‐Thorp… - … on Pure and Applied …, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
In this article, we study the Schrödinger operator for a large class of periodic potentials with
the symmetry of a hexagonal tiling of the plane. The potentials we consider are …

Surface-localized transmission eigenstates, super-resolution imaging, and pseudo surface plasmon modes

YT Chow, Y Deng, Y He, H Liu, X Wang - SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2021‏ - SIAM
We present the discovery of a novel and intriguing global geometric structure of the (interior)
transmission eigenfunctions associated with the Helmholtz system. It is shown in generic …

Continuous bulk and interface description of topological insulators

G Bal - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2019‏ - pubs.aip.org
We analyze the topological properties of systems of Dirac equations in the presence of
heterogeneities to model transport in topological insulators. The topology is described by …

Edge states in honeycomb structures

CL Fefferman, JP Lee-Thorp, MI Weinstein - Annals of PDE, 2016‏ - Springer
An edge state is a time-harmonic solution of a conservative wave system, eg Schrödinger,
Maxwell, which is propagating (plane-wave-like) parallel to, and localized transverse to, a …

Bulk–edge correspondence for two-dimensional Floquet topological insulators

GM Graf, C Tauber - Annales Henri Poincaré, 2018‏ - Springer
Floquet topological insulators describe independent electrons on a lattice driven out of
equilibrium by a time-periodic Hamiltonian, beyond the usual adiabatic approximation. In …

The bulk-edge correspondence for disordered chiral chains

GM Graf, J Shapiro - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2018‏ - Springer
We study one-dimensional insulators obeying a chiral symmetry in the single-particle
picture. The Fermi level is assumed to lie in a mobility gap. Topological indices are defined …