[کتاب][B] The use of psychological testing for treatment planning and outcomes assessment: Volume 3: Instruments for adults
ME Maruish - 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
Test-based psychological assessment has been significantly affected by the health care
revolution in the United States during the past two decades. Despite new limitations on …
revolution in the United States during the past two decades. Despite new limitations on …
[HTML][HTML] Psychosocial correlates of suicidal behavior among adolescents under confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Aguascalientes, Mexico: A cross …
Background: Suicide and suicidal behaviors were already a global public health problem,
producing preventable injuries and deaths. This issue may worsen due to the COVID-19 …
producing preventable injuries and deaths. This issue may worsen due to the COVID-19 …
Is language translation enough in cross-cultural neuropsychological assessments of patients from Latin America?
E Rosario Nieves, LD Rosenstein… - Applied …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Objective The purpose of this review was to highlight the need to consider factors other than
language when adapting tests across cultural groups and to offer a list of tests that have …
language when adapting tests across cultural groups and to offer a list of tests that have …
Brief cognitive behavioural intervention for depression and anxiety symptoms improves quality of life in chronic haemodialysis patients
Objectives Psychological treatment of depression in end‐stage renal disease (ESRD) has
focused on severely depressed patients. We designed and tested a brief (5 weeks) cognitive …
focused on severely depressed patients. We designed and tested a brief (5 weeks) cognitive …
[PDF][PDF] Academic procrastination in study habits and its relationship with self-reported executive functions in high school students
Academic procrastination or intentional delaying behavior regarding homework or school
activities is a widespread phenomenon in educational environments, which represents a …
activities is a widespread phenomenon in educational environments, which represents a …
Relación entre funciones ejecutivas y hábitos de estudio con la procrastinación académica de estudiantes de bachillerato
La procrastinación es un fenómeno generalizado en entornos educativos. El presente
estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la procrastinación académica con …
estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la procrastinación académica con …
Women serum concentrations of the IL-10 family of cytokines and IFN-γ decrease from the third trimester of pregnancy to active labor
Labor is regarded as increased myometrial activity with a regular contractility pattern. At this
final stage of pregnancy, myometrial quiescence is lost, accompanied by altered immune …
final stage of pregnancy, myometrial quiescence is lost, accompanied by altered immune …
Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de sobrecarga del cuidador de Zarit en cuidadores de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica
RDR Montalvo, RPF Escoto… - Revista …, 2023 - …
La carga del cuidador es el estado resultante de la acción de cuidar a una persona
dependiente o mayor, un estado que amenaza la salud. La carga es diferente de acuerdo …
dependiente o mayor, un estado que amenaza la salud. La carga es diferente de acuerdo …
Beck Anxiety Inventory.
KA Wilson, DL Chambless, E de Beurs - 2004 - psycnet.apa.org
Including a review of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI; Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988)
in a book devoted to the utility of psychological testing in clinical practice makes sense for …
in a book devoted to the utility of psychological testing in clinical practice makes sense for …
Síntomas de déficit de atención, ansiedad y depresión en estudiantes universitarios
ME Navarro-Calvillo, JC Flores-Lázaro… - Psicología y …, 2023 - psicologiaysalud.uv.mx
Antecedentes. El trastorno por déficit de atención del adulto (TDA-A), la ansiedad y la
depresión se encuentran entre los problemas de salud mental más importantes en todo el …
depresión se encuentran entre los problemas de salud mental más importantes en todo el …