License number plate recognition system using entropy‐based features selection approach with SVM
License plate recognition (LPR) system plays a vital role in security applications which
include road traffic monitoring, street activity monitoring, identification of potential threats …
include road traffic monitoring, street activity monitoring, identification of potential threats …
Vehicle license plate recognition using visual attention model and deep learning
D Zang, Z Chai, J Zhang, D Zhang… - Journal of Electronic …, 2015 - spiedigitallibrary.org
A vehicle's license plate is the unique feature by which to identify each individual vehicle. As
an important research area of an intelligent transportation system, the recognition of vehicle …
an important research area of an intelligent transportation system, the recognition of vehicle …
Multinational vehicle license plate detection in complex backgrounds
Many methods for multinational License Plate Detection (LPD) have been proposed in
recent times but most of them are not sophisticated enough to handle complex backgrounds …
recent times but most of them are not sophisticated enough to handle complex backgrounds …
Automatic license plate recognition: A comparative study
Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) is the process of locating and extracting vehicles
plate information from images or videos. The extracted information is essential for several …
plate information from images or videos. The extracted information is essential for several …
An end to end recognition for license plates using convolutional neural networks
N Duan, J Cui, L Liu, L Zheng - IEEE Intelligent Transportation …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
License Plate Recognition technology, as a critical part in Intelligent Transportation Systems,
enjoys a broad application. LPR is a technology to read license plates (which include the …
enjoys a broad application. LPR is a technology to read license plates (which include the …
[PDF][PDF] A novel and robust method for automatic license plate recognition system based on pattern recognition
In this paper, for finding the place of plate, a real time and fast method is expressed. In our
suggested method, the image is taken to HSV color space; then, it is broken into blocks in a …
suggested method, the image is taken to HSV color space; then, it is broken into blocks in a …
New method for optimization of license plate recognition system with use of edge detection and connected component
License Plate recognition plays an important role on the traffic monitoring and parking
management systems. In this paper, a fast and real time method has been proposed which …
management systems. In this paper, a fast and real time method has been proposed which …
Automatic number plate recognition system by character position method
Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) is an important image processing technology
used to recognise number plates of vehicles. Plate localisation and character recognition …
used to recognise number plates of vehicles. Plate localisation and character recognition …
Performance comparison of various techniques for automatic licence plate recognition systems
N Sharma, PK Dahiya… - International Journal of …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
Automatic licence plate recognition (ALPR) system is direly needed nowadays for various
applications like toll collection system, parking system, identification of stolen cars, incident …
applications like toll collection system, parking system, identification of stolen cars, incident …
Real-time and efficient method for accuracy enhancement of edge based license plate recognition system
License Plate Recognition plays an important role on the traffic monitoring and parking
management. Administration and restriction of those transportation tools for their better …
management. Administration and restriction of those transportation tools for their better …