Centros and Defensive Regulatory Competition: Some Thoughts and a Glimpse at the Data

M Gelter - European Business Organization Law Review, 2019 - Springer
This article looks at the phenomenon of 'defensive regulatory competition'in European
corporate law following Centros, Überseering and Inspire Art. In order to retain control over …

English Company Law: Legal Architecture for a Global Law Market

AP Morriss, C Ku - Ind. J. Global Legal Stud., 2024 - HeinOnline
architecture company law describes the distinct and diverse group of company or corporate
law used in more than sixty jurisdictions worldwide. English-architecture company law …

Minimum Capital and Cross-Border Firm Formation in Europe

M Gelter - Forthcoming Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
This article explores the impact of minimum capital requirements on trends in incorporations
of UK-based private limited companies by non-UK founders within Europe. The legal capital …

Designing Startup Corporate Law: A Minimum Viable Product

A Pereira - Rev. Banking & Fin. L., 2022 - HeinOnline
Startup companies and venture capital investments are flour- ishing worldwide, but at
different rates in different coun Page 1 DESIGNING STARTUP CORPORATE LAW …

Abuse of companies

HS Birkmose, KE Sørensen, M Neville - 2019 - torrossa.com
Abuse of Companies Page 1 Abuse of Companies EDITED BY HANNE S. BIRKMOSE,
VOLUME 15 EUROPEAN COMPANY LAW SERIES Edited by Hanne S. Birkmose, Mette …

The Illusion of Motion: Corporate (Im)Mobility and the Failed Promise of Centros

C Gerner-Beuerle, F Mucciarelli, E Schuster… - … organization law review, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The European Court of Justice's landmark decision in Centros was heralded as
creating the preconditions for a vibrant market for incorporations in the EU. In practice …

The European Advantage in Empirical Comparative Law

M Siems - European Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2025 - publicera.kb.se
Empirical legal studies in Europe lag behind developments in the US. By contrast,
comparative law is a prominent field of research and teaching in many European countries …

Crises and conflicts of socio-economic systems: Similarities and differences

AA Kurilova, DY Ivanov, DO Zabaznova… - “Conflict-Free” Socio …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of the chapter is to determine specific and common features of social
conflicts and economic crises and substantiate the necessity for their complex research …

Private International Law Bibliography 2019: US and Foreign Sources in English

SC Symeonides - The American Journal of Comparative Law, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Private International Law Bibliography 2019: US and Foreign Sources in English† Page 1
Private International Law Bibliography 2019: US and Foreign Sources in English† Compiled by …

[PDF][PDF] Abuse of Companies through Choice of Incorporation?

M Gelter, L Vicente - Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper, 2019 - ecgi.global
This paper explores the concept of abuse of law in the context of the choice of the state or
country of incorporation: Can the choice of a particular jurisdiction constitute “abuse”? The …