Metapopulation dynamics and genetics

A Hastings, S Harrison - Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 1994 - JSTOR
Metapopulation dynamics as originally defined by Levins consists of the extinction and
colonization of local populations. Theory suggests that these processes can profoundly …

Rethinking complexity: modelling spatiotemporal dynamics in ecology

J Bascompte, RV Solé - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 1995 -
In the past few years, part of theoretical ecology has focused on the spatiotemporal
dynamics generated by simple ecological models. To a large extent, the results obtained …

Individual-based modeling and ecology

V Grimm, SF Railsback - Individual-based modeling and ecology, 2013 -
Individual-based models are an exciting and widely used new tool for ecology. These
computational models allow scientists to explore the mechanisms through which population …

[КНИГА][B] Design and analysis of ecological experiments

SM Scheiner, J Gurevitch - 2001 -
Ecological research and the way that ecologists use statistics continues to change rapidly.
This second edition of the best-selling Design and Analysis of Ecological Experiments leads …

[КНИГА][B] Spatial pattern analysis in plant ecology

MRT Dale, MRT Dale - 2000 -
The predictability of the physical arrangement of plants, at whatever scale it is viewed, is
referred to as a spatial pattern. Spatial pattern is a crucial aspect of vegetation that has …

Stochastic spatial models: a user's guide to ecological applications

R Durrett, SA Levin - … Transactions of the Royal Society of …, 1994 -
Spatial pattern, how it arises and how it is maintained, are central foci for ecological theory.
In recent years, some attention has shifted from continuum models to spatially discrete …

Cellular automata models for vegetation dynamics

H Balzter, PW Braun, W Köhler - Ecological modelling, 1998 - Elsevier
A short review of cellular automata models in ecology is given. Introduction of a spatial
dimension into a discrete-time Markov chain leads to a class of cellular automata called …

[КНИГА][B] Genetics, demography and viability of fragmented populations.

AG Young, GM Clarke - 2000 -
Habitat fragmentation is one of the most ubiquitous and serious environmental threats
confronting the long-term survival of plant and animal species worldwide. As species …

Intraspecific aggregation alters competitive interactions in experimental plant communities

P Stoll, D Prati - Ecology, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
We tested the prediction from spatial competition models that intraspecific aggregation may
promote coexistence and thus maintain biodiversity with experimental communities of four …

Demography of a savanna palm tree: predictions from comprehensive spatial pattern analyses

S Barot, J Gignoux, JC Menaut - Ecology, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Existing statistical methods for spatial pattern analysis now permit precise analyses of
patterns and, given the appropriate interpretation keys, the formulation of testable …