The jamming transition and the marginally jammed solid

AJ Liu, SR Nagel - Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys., 2010 -
When a system jams, it undergoes a transition from a flowing to a rigid state. Despite this
important change in the dynamics, the internal structure of the system remains disordered in …

Jamming of soft particles: geometry, mechanics, scaling and isostaticity

M van Hecke - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2009 -
Amorphous materials as diverse as foams, emulsions, colloidal suspensions and granular
media can jam into a rigid, disordered state where they withstand finite shear stresses …

[КНИГА][B] Granular media: between fluid and solid

B Andreotti, Y Forterre, O Pouliquen - 2013 -
Sand, rice, sugar, snow, cement... Although ubiquitous in our daily lives, granular media still
challenge engineers and fascinate researchers. This book provides the state-of-the-art of the …

Mean-field theory of hard sphere glasses and jamming

G Parisi, F Zamponi - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
Hard spheres are ubiquitous in condensed matter: they have been used as models for
liquids, crystals, colloidal systems, granular systems, and powders. Packings of hard …

Edwards statistical mechanics for jammed granular matter

A Baule, F Morone, HJ Herrmann, HA Makse - Reviews of modern physics, 2018 - APS
In 1989, Sir Sam Edwards made the visionary proposition to treat jammed granular materials
using a volume ensemble of equiprobable jammed states in analogy to thermal equilibrium …

Network analysis of particles and grains

L Papadopoulos, MA Porter, KE Daniels… - Journal of Complex …, 2018 -
The arrangements of particles and forces in granular materials have a complex organization
on multiple spatial scales that range from local structures to mesoscale and system-wide …

The physics of dense suspensions

C Ness, R Seto, R Mari - Annual Review of Condensed Matter …, 2022 -
Dense suspensions of particles are relevant to many applications and are a key platform for
develo** a fundamental physics of out-of-equilibrium systems. They present challenging …

Jamming of frictional spheres and random loose packing

LE Silbert - Soft Matter, 2010 -
The role of the friction coefficient, μ, on the jamming properties of disordered, particle
packings is studied using computer simulations. Compressed, soft-sphere packings are …

A constitutive model with microstructure evolution for flow of rate-independent granular materials

JIN Sun, S Sundaresan - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011 -
A constitutive model is developed for the complex rheology of rate-independent granular
materials. The closures for the pressure and the macroscopic friction coefficient are linked to …

Onset of mechanical stability in random packings of frictional spheres

M Jerkins, M Schröter, HL Swinney, TJ Senden… - Physical review …, 2008 - APS
Using sedimentation to obtain precisely controlled packings of noncohesive spheres, we
find that the volume fraction ϕ RLP of the loosest mechanically stable packing is in an …