Friction stir based welding, processing, extrusion and additive manufacturing
Friction stir welding and processing enabled the creation of stronger joints, novel ultrafine-
grained metals, new metal matrix composites, and multifunctional surfaces at user-defined …
grained metals, new metal matrix composites, and multifunctional surfaces at user-defined …
Recent advances in friction stir welding/processing of aluminum alloys: microstructural evolution and mechanical properties
ZY Ma, AH Feng, DL Chen, J Shen - Critical Reviews in Solid State …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Friction stir welding (FSW), a highly efficient solid-state joining technique, has been termed
as “green” technology due to its energy efficiency and environment friendliness. It is an …
as “green” technology due to its energy efficiency and environment friendliness. It is an …
Friction stir welding of titanium alloys: A review
The candidacy of ninth earth abundant material, titanium is supreme when it comes to the
higher strength to weight ratio, and higher corrosive resistance. Next generation of jet …
higher strength to weight ratio, and higher corrosive resistance. Next generation of jet …
Recent advances in friction-stir welding–process, weldment structure and properties
Friction-stir welding is a refreshing approach to the joining of metals. Although originally
intended for aluminium alloys, the reach of FSW has now extended to a variety of materials …
intended for aluminium alloys, the reach of FSW has now extended to a variety of materials …
Friction stir welded structural materials: beyond Al-alloys
G Çam - International Materials Reviews, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
The friction stir welding (FSW) technique is widely accepted to be one of the most significant
welding techniques to emerge in the last 20 years. Friction stir welding of Al-alloys is now …
welding techniques to emerge in the last 20 years. Friction stir welding of Al-alloys is now …
Joining by forming—a review on joint mechanisms, applications and future trends
P Groche, S Wohletz, M Brenneis, C Pabst… - Journal of Materials …, 2014 - Elsevier
Public demand for an efficient and sustainable use of energy and resources has led to new
design criteria for technical products. An even more consequent use of light-weight …
design criteria for technical products. An even more consequent use of light-weight …
Influence of friction stir welding process and tool parameters on strength properties of AA7075-T6 aluminium alloy joints
S Rajakumar, C Muralidharan, V Balasubramanian - Materials & Design, 2011 - Elsevier
The aircraft aluminium alloys generally present low weldability by traditional fusion welding
process. The development of the friction stir welding has provided an alternative improved …
process. The development of the friction stir welding has provided an alternative improved …
Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welding of 6061-to-7050 aluminum alloys
In this work, the microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded dissimilar
butt joints of 6061-to-7050 aluminum alloys were evaluated. Microstructure analysis of the …
butt joints of 6061-to-7050 aluminum alloys were evaluated. Microstructure analysis of the …
Microstructure, mechanical properties and fatigue crack growth behavior of friction stir welded joint of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy
L Zhang, H Zhong, S Li, H Zhao, J Chen, L Qi - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper studied the microstructural and mechanical evolution of friction stir welded (FSW)
6061-T6 aluminum alloy, the influence of notch locations on impact and fatigue crack growth …
6061-T6 aluminum alloy, the influence of notch locations on impact and fatigue crack growth …
Effect of welding parameters on mechanical and microstructural properties of AA6082 joints produced by friction stir welding
The effect of processing parameters on mechanical and microstructural properties of
AA6082 joints produced by friction stir welding was analysed in the present study. Different …
AA6082 joints produced by friction stir welding was analysed in the present study. Different …