[HTML][HTML] Modular robotic systems: Methods and algorithms for abstraction, planning, control, and synchronization

H Ahmadzadeh, E Masehian - Artificial Intelligence, 2015 - Elsevier
While expected applications of Modular Robotic Systems (MRS) span various workspaces,
scales, and structures, practical implementations of such systems lag behind their potentials …

Reconfiguration planning for pivoting cube modular robots

C Sung, J Bern, J Romanishin… - 2015 IEEE international …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we present algorithms for self-reconfiguration of modular robots that move by
pivoting. The modules are cubes that can pivot about their edges along the x̂, ŷ, or ẑ axes …

[HTML][HTML] Self-reconfiguration of PARTS: A parallel reconfiguration algorithm based on surface flow

M Gerbl, J Gerstmayr - Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2023 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present a parallel reconfiguration algorithm for shape-shifting modular
robots with a triangular structure. The reconfiguration planning is based on partitioning the …

A game-theoretic formulation of the homogeneous self-reconfiguration problem

D Pickem, M Egerstedt… - 2015 54th IEEE …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper we formulate the homogeneous two-and three-dimensional self-reconfiguration
problem over discrete grids as a constrained potential game. We develop a game-theoretic …

Hybrid control of multi-robot systems under complex temporal tasks

M Guo - 2015 - diva-portal.org
Autonomous robots like household service robots, self-driving cars and drones are
emerging as important parts of our daily lives in the near future. They need to comprehend …

Systematic strategies for 3-dimensional modular robots

IM De Parada Muñoz - 2015 - upcommons.upc.edu
Modular robots have been studied an classified from different perspectives, generally
focusing on the mechatronics. But the geometric attributes and constraints are the ones that …