Deep equilibrium architectures for inverse problems in imaging
Recent efforts on solving inverse problems in imaging via deep neural networks use
architectures inspired by a fixed number of iterations of an optimization method. The number …
architectures inspired by a fixed number of iterations of an optimization method. The number …
The difficulty of computing stable and accurate neural networks: On the barriers of deep learning and Smale's 18th problem
Deep learning (DL) has had unprecedented success and is now entering scientific
computing with full force. However, current DL methods typically suffer from instability, even …
computing with full force. However, current DL methods typically suffer from instability, even …
Deep learning for accelerated and robust MRI reconstruction
Deep learning (DL) has recently emerged as a pivotal technology for enhancing magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), a critical tool in diagnostic radiology. This review paper provides …
resonance imaging (MRI), a critical tool in diagnostic radiology. This review paper provides …
Solving inverse problems with deep neural networks–robustness included?
In the past five years, deep learning methods have become state-of-the-art in solving various
inverse problems. Before such approaches can find application in safety-critical fields, a …
inverse problems. Before such approaches can find application in safety-critical fields, a …
Physics-based reconstruction methods for magnetic resonance imaging
Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is hampered by long scan times and only
qualitative image contrasts that prohibit a direct comparison between different systems. To …
qualitative image contrasts that prohibit a direct comparison between different systems. To …
Accelerated MRI with un-trained neural networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are highly effective for image reconstruction
problems. Typically, CNNs are trained on large amounts of training images. Recently …
problems. Typically, CNNs are trained on large amounts of training images. Recently …
Measuring robustness in deep learning based compressive sensing
Deep neural networks give state-of-the-art accuracy for reconstructing images from few and
noisy measurements, a problem arising for example in accelerated magnetic resonance …
noisy measurements, a problem arising for example in accelerated magnetic resonance …
Near-exact recovery for tomographic inverse problems via deep learning
This work is concerned with the following fundamental question in scientific machine
learning: Can deep-learning-based methods solve noise-free inverse problems to near …
learning: Can deep-learning-based methods solve noise-free inverse problems to near …
Test-time training can close the natural distribution shift performance gap in deep learning based compressed sensing
Deep learning based image reconstruction methods outperform traditional methods.
However, neural networks suffer from a performance drop when applied to images from a …
However, neural networks suffer from a performance drop when applied to images from a …
Noise2Recon: Enabling SNR‐robust MRI reconstruction with semi‐supervised and self‐supervised learning
Purpose To develop a method for building MRI reconstruction neural networks robust to
changes in signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) and trainable with a limited number of fully sampled …
changes in signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) and trainable with a limited number of fully sampled …