Deep configuration performance learning: A systematic survey and taxonomy
Performance is arguably the most crucial attribute that reflects the quality of a configurable
software system. However, given the increasing scale and complexity of modern software …
software system. However, given the increasing scale and complexity of modern software …
How to evaluate solutions in Pareto-based search-based software engineering: A critical review and methodological guidance
With modern requirements, there is an increasing tendency of considering multiple
objectives/criteria simultaneously in many Software Engineering (SE) scenarios. Such a …
objectives/criteria simultaneously in many Software Engineering (SE) scenarios. Such a …
A survey on knee-oriented multiobjective evolutionary optimization
Conventional multiobjective optimization algorithms (MOEAs) with or without preferences
are successful in solving multi-and many-objective optimization problems. However, a …
are successful in solving multi-and many-objective optimization problems. However, a …
Predicting configuration performance in multiple environments with sequential meta-learning
Learning and predicting the performance of given software configurations are of high
importance to many software engineering activities. While configurable software systems will …
importance to many software engineering activities. While configurable software systems will …
Does preference always help? A holistic study on preference-based evolutionary multiobjective optimization using reference points
The ultimate goal of multiobjective optimization is to help a decision maker (DM) identify
solution (s) of interest (SOI) achieving satisfactory tradeoffs among multiple conflicting …
solution (s) of interest (SOI) achieving satisfactory tradeoffs among multiple conflicting …
A survey and taxonomy of self-aware and self-adaptive cloud autoscaling systems
Autoscaling system can reconfigure cloud-based services and applications, through various
configurations of cloud software and provisions of hardware resources, to adapt to the …
configurations of cloud software and provisions of hardware resources, to adapt to the …
The weights can be harmful: Pareto search versus weighted search in multi-objective search-based software engineering
In presence of multiple objectives to be optimized in Search-Based Software Engineering
(SBSE), Pareto search has been commonly adopted. It searches for a good approximation of …
(SBSE), Pareto search has been commonly adopted. It searches for a good approximation of …
Dividable configuration performance learning
Machine/deep learning models have been widely adopted for predicting the configuration
performance of software systems. However, a crucial yet unaddressed challenge is how to …
performance of software systems. However, a crucial yet unaddressed challenge is how to …
Adapting multi-objectivized software configuration tuning
When tuning software configuration for better performance (eg, latency or throughput), an
important issue that many optimizers face is the presence of local optimum traps …
important issue that many optimizers face is the presence of local optimum traps …
DeepSQLi: Deep semantic learning for testing SQL injection
Security is unarguably the most serious concern for Web applications, to which SQL
injection (SQLi) attack is one of the most devastating attacks. Automatically testing SQLi …
injection (SQLi) attack is one of the most devastating attacks. Automatically testing SQLi …