Killing softly: a roadmap of Botrytis cinerea pathogenicity
Botrytis cinerea, a widespread plant pathogen with a necrotrophic lifestyle, causes gray
mold disease in many crops. Massive secretion of enzymes and toxins was long considered …
mold disease in many crops. Massive secretion of enzymes and toxins was long considered …
Exploitation of microbial antagonists for the control of postharvest diseases of fruits: a review
Fungal diseases result in significant losses of fruits and vegetables during handling,
transportation and storage. At present, post-production fungal spoilage is predominantly …
transportation and storage. At present, post-production fungal spoilage is predominantly …
Induced resistance in fruit and vegetables: A host physiological response limiting postharvest disease development
Harvested fruit and vegetables are perishable, subject to desiccation, show increased
respiration during ripening, and are colonized by postharvest fungal pathogens. Induced …
respiration during ripening, and are colonized by postharvest fungal pathogens. Induced …
Development of biocontrol products for postharvest diseases of fruit: The importance of elucidating the mechanisms of action of yeast antagonists
Abstracts Background Impressive progress was made in the last decade in development,
registration and commercialization of biocontrol products based on yeast to manage …
registration and commercialization of biocontrol products based on yeast to manage …
Life styles of Colletotrichum species and implications for plant biosecurity
Colletotrichum is a genus of major plant pathogens causing anthracnose diseases in many
plant crops worldwide. The genus comprises a highly diverse group of pathogens that infect …
plant crops worldwide. The genus comprises a highly diverse group of pathogens that infect …
Pathogenic strategies and immune mechanisms to necrotrophs: Differences and similarities to biotrophs and hemibiotrophs
Pathogenesis in plant diseases is complex comprising diverse pathogen virulence and plant
immune mechanisms. These pathogens cause damaging plant diseases by deploying …
immune mechanisms. These pathogens cause damaging plant diseases by deploying …
Pathogenic attributes of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: switching from a biotrophic to necrotrophic lifestyle
Plants and fungi have had many years of friendly and not-so friendly competition for
resources and quality of life. As a result, diverse pathosystems evolved numerous strategies …
resources and quality of life. As a result, diverse pathosystems evolved numerous strategies …
Soybean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum species: Current status and future prospects
Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important cultivated plants worldwide as a source
of protein‐rich foods and animal feeds. Anthracnose, caused by different lineages of the …
of protein‐rich foods and animal feeds. Anthracnose, caused by different lineages of the …
Molecular basis of pathogenesis of postharvest pathogenic fungi and control strategy in fruits: progress and prospect
ZQ Zhang, T Chen, BQ Li, GZ Qin, SP Tian - Molecular horticulture, 2021 - Springer
The disease caused by pathogenic fungi is the main cause of postharvest loss of fresh fruits.
The formulation of disease control strategies greatly depends on the understanding of …
The formulation of disease control strategies greatly depends on the understanding of …
Insights into molecular and metabolic events associated with fruit response to post-harvest fungal pathogens
Due to post-harvest losses more than 30% of harvested fruits will not reach the consumers'
plate. Fungal pathogens play a key role in those losses, as they cause most of the fruit rots …
plate. Fungal pathogens play a key role in those losses, as they cause most of the fruit rots …