[HTML][HTML] Radar sensor network resource allocation for fused target tracking: A brief review
Traditional networked radar fusion technology adopts an open-loop signal processing
manner, in which multiple nodes independently detect or track target first, and then send …
manner, in which multiple nodes independently detect or track target first, and then send …
Localization, tracking, and imaging of targets in wireless sensor networks: An invited review
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown many attractive features in a lot of real-world
applications that motivate their rapid and wide diffusion. One of the most challenging topics …
applications that motivate their rapid and wide diffusion. One of the most challenging topics …
Collaborative detection and power allocation framework for target tracking in multiple radar system
In reality, multiple radar system (MRS) may have some limited resource, such as the data
computation capacity of the fusion center and the transmit energy of each radar. To better …
computation capacity of the fusion center and the transmit energy of each radar. To better …
Locating the nodes: cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks
Accurate and low-cost sensor localization is a critical requirement for the deployment of
wireless sensor networks in a wide variety of applications. In cooperative localization …
wireless sensor networks in a wide variety of applications. In cooperative localization …
Cooperative received signal strength-based sensor localization with unknown transmit powers
Cooperative localization (also known as sensor network localization) using received signal
strength (RSS) measurements when the source transmit powers are different and unknown …
strength (RSS) measurements when the source transmit powers are different and unknown …
[HTML][HTML] Bluetooth low energy indoor localization for large industrial areas and limited infrastructure
Abstract Systems using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication are widely used in
various industrial applications, which benefit from the efficient low-power operation and …
various industrial applications, which benefit from the efficient low-power operation and …
Experimental comparison of RSSI-based localization algorithms for indoor wireless sensor networks
In this paper, we investigate the actual performance of some of the best known localization
algorithms when deployed in real-world indoor environments. Among the plethora of …
algorithms when deployed in real-world indoor environments. Among the plethora of …
Target tracking in wireless sensor networks based on the combination of KF and MLE using distance measurements
X Wang, M Fu, H Zhang - IEEE Transactions on mobile …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A common technical difficulty in target tracking in a wireless sensor network is that individual
homogeneous sensors only measure their distances to the target whereas the state of the …
homogeneous sensors only measure their distances to the target whereas the state of the …
Weighted centroid localization algorithm: Theoretical analysis and distributed implementation
Information about primary transmitter location is crucial in enabling several key capabilities
in cognitive radio networks, including improved spatio-temporal sensing, intelligent location …
in cognitive radio networks, including improved spatio-temporal sensing, intelligent location …
A localization scheme for wireless sensor networks using mobile anchors with directional antennas
CH Ou - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes a range-free localization scheme for wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
using mobile anchor nodes equipped with four directional antennas. In the proposed …
using mobile anchor nodes equipped with four directional antennas. In the proposed …