Genomic imprinting and parent-of-origin effects on complex traits
Parent-of-origin effects occur when the phenotypic effect of an allele depends on whether it
is inherited from the mother or the father. Several phenomena can cause parent-of-origin …
is inherited from the mother or the father. Several phenomena can cause parent-of-origin …
[KIRJA][B] Using heterogeneous stocks for fine-map** genetically complex traits
LC Solberg Woods, AA Palmer - 2019 - Springer
In this chapter we will review both the rationale and experimental design for using
Heterogeneous Stock (HS) populations for fine-map** of complex traits in mice and rats …
Heterogeneous Stock (HS) populations for fine-map** of complex traits in mice and rats …
Epigenetics of progression of chronic kidney disease: fact or fantasy?
MR Wing, A Ramezani, HS Gill, JM Devaney… - Seminars in …, 2013 - Elsevier
Epigenetic modifications are important in the normal functioning of the cell, from regulating
dynamic expression of essential genes and associated proteins to repressing those that are …
dynamic expression of essential genes and associated proteins to repressing those that are …
Genetic, epigenetic, and environmental mechanisms govern allele-specific gene expression
CLS Pierre, JF Macias-Velasco, JP Wayhart… - Genome …, 2022 -
Allele-specific expression (ASE) is a phenomenon in which one allele is preferentially
expressed over the other. Genetic and epigenetic factors cause ASE by altering the final …
expressed over the other. Genetic and epigenetic factors cause ASE by altering the final …
Parent-of-origin effects propagate through networks to shape metabolic traits
JF Macias-Velasco, CL St Pierre, JP Wayhart, L Yin… - Elife, 2022 -
Parent-of-origin effects are unexpectedly common in complex traits, including metabolic and
neurological traits. Parent-of-origin effects can be modified by the environment, but the …
neurological traits. Parent-of-origin effects can be modified by the environment, but the …
Signaling mechanisms in the restoration of impaired immune function due to diet-induced obesity
Q Zhou, SE Leeman, S Amar - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2011 -
Our previous data have linked obesity with immune dysfunction. It is known that physical
exercise with dietary control has beneficial effects on immune function and the comorbidities …
exercise with dietary control has beneficial effects on immune function and the comorbidities …
Genetic effects at pleiotropic loci are context-dependent with consequences for the maintenance of genetic variation in populations
Context-dependent genetic effects, including genotype-by-environment and genotype-by-
sex interactions, are a potential mechanism by which genetic variation of complex traits is …
sex interactions, are a potential mechanism by which genetic variation of complex traits is …
Using whole-genome sequences of the LG/J and SM/J inbred mouse strains to prioritize quantitative trait genes and nucleotides
Background The laboratory mouse is the most commonly used model for studying variation
in complex traits relevant to human disease. Here we present the whole-genome sequences …
in complex traits relevant to human disease. Here we present the whole-genome sequences …
Fine-map** QTLs in advanced intercross lines and other outbred populations
Quantitative genetic studies in model organisms, particularly in mice, have been extremely
successful in identifying chromosomal regions that are associated with a wide variety of …
successful in identifying chromosomal regions that are associated with a wide variety of …
The effect of dietary fat intake on hepatic gene expression in LG/J AND SM/J mice
Background The liver plays a major role in regulating metabolic homeostasis and is vital for
nutrient metabolism. Identifying the genetic factors regulating these processes could lead to …
nutrient metabolism. Identifying the genetic factors regulating these processes could lead to …