Structural analyses and fracture network characterisation: Seven pillars of wisdom

DCP Peacock, DJ Sanderson - Earth-Science Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Seven distinct types of structural analysis can be defined, each with their own data and
uses:(1) basic geological descriptions;(2) geometries and topology;(3) age relationships;(4) …

Mediterranean winter rainfall in phase with African monsoons during the past 1.36 million years

B Wagner, H Vogel, A Francke, T Friedrich, T Donders… - Nature, 2019 -
Mediterranean climates are characterized by strong seasonal contrasts between dry
summers and wet winters. Changes in winter rainfall are critical for regional socioeconomic …

Palynology of the Last Interglacial Complex at Lake Ohrid: palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic inferences

G Sinopoli, A Masi, E Regattieri, B Wagner… - Quaternary Science …, 2018 - Elsevier
In this article, we present new, high-resolution, pollen results obtained from the DEEP site
sequence recovered from Lake Ohrid (Albania/FYROM) for the Last Interglacial Complex …

Pollen-based paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic change at Lake Ohrid (south-eastern Europe) during the past 500 ka

L Sadori, A Koutsodendris, K Panagiotopoulos… - …, 2016 -
Lake Ohrid is located at the border between FYROM (Former Yugoslavian Republic of
Macedonia) and Albania and formed during the latest phases of Alpine orogenesis. It is the …

1.36 million years of Mediterranean forest refugium dynamics in response to glacial–interglacial cycle strength

T Donders, K Panagiotopoulos… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
The sediment record from Lake Ohrid (Southwestern Balkans) represents the longest
continuous lake archive in Europe, extending back to 1.36 Ma. We reconstruct the …

Sedimentological processes and environmental variability at Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) between 637 ka and the present

A Francke, B Wagner, J Just, N Leicher… - …, 2016 -
Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) is thought to be more than 1.2 million years old and host
more than 300 endemic species. As a target of the International Continental scientific Drilling …

First tephrostratigraphic results of the DEEP site record from Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania)

N Leicher, G Zanchetta, R Sulpizio, B Giaccio… - …, 2016 -
A tephrostratigraphic record covering the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1–15 was established
for the DEEP site record of Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania). Major element analyses …

The southwestern Carpathians as an ancient centre of diversity of freshwater gammarid amphipods: insights from the Gammarus fossarum species complex

D Copilaş‐Ciocianu, A Petrusek - Molecular Ecology, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Gammarus fossarum is a diverse species complex of epigean freshwater amphipods
throughout Europe. Due to their poor dispersal capabilities and ubiquity, these crustaceans …

The SCOPSCO drilling project recovers more than 1.2 million years of history from Lake Ohrid

B Wagner, T Wilke, S Krastel, G Zanchetta… - Scientific …, 2014 -
The Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO)
project is an international research initiative to study the influence of major geological and …

The geodynamic and limnological evolution of Balkan Lake Ohrid, possibly the oldest extant lake in Europe

B Wagner, P Tauber, A Francke, N Leicher, SA Binnie… - Boreas, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Studies of the upper 447 m of the DEEP site sediment succession from central Lake Ohrid,
Balkan Peninsula, North Macedonia and Albania provided important insights into the …