Assessing the habitat requirements of stream fishes: an overview and evaluation of different approaches

J Rosenfeld - Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
With the widespread decline and endangerment of freshwater fishes, there is a need to
clearly define habitat requirements for effective species management and habitat …

Predictive models of fish species distributions: a note on proper validation and chance predictions

JD Olden, DA Jackson… - Transactions of the …, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
The prediction of species distributions is a primary goal in the study, conservation, and
management of fisheries resources. Statistical models relating patterns of species presence …

Fish‐based methods for assessing European running waters: a synthesis

S Schmutz, IG Cowx, G Haidvogl… - Fisheries management …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The European Union, Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires monitoring of
riverine fish fauna. When the WFD came into force in 2000, most of the EU member states …

Projecting the biological condition of streams under alternative scenarios of human land use

J Van Sickle, J Baker, A Herlihy, P Bayley… - Ecological …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
We present regression models for estimating the status of fish and aquatic invertebrate
communities in all second to fourth–order streams (1: 100 000 scale; total stream length …

Testing the efficiency of protected areas in the Amazon for conserving freshwater turtles

CK Fagundes, RC Vogt… - Diversity and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Aim We used chelonian distribution data to (1) predict suitable areas of the occurrence for
freshwater turtle species using species distribution models and (2) evaluate whether these …

Science for freshwater fish habitat management in Canada: current status and future prospects

CK Minns - Aquatic Ecosystem Health & …, 2001 -
Canada's diverse freshwaters support a rich biodiversity of more than 200 species. Canada
has strong legislation capable of conserving and protecting freshwaters habitats. Fish are a …

Forecasting the distribution of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan

MS Kornis, MJ Vander Zanden - Canadian Journal of Fisheries …, 2010 -
The Laurentian Great Lakes host more than 180 non-native species, including several that
have resulted in major economic and ecological effects. This list includes the round goby …

Identifying temperature thresholds associated with fish community changes in British Columbia, Canada, to support identification of temperature sensitive streams

EA Parkinson, EV Lea, MA Nelitz… - River research and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
We collected fish samples and measured physical habitat characteristics, including summer
stream temperatures, at 156 sites in 50 tributary streams in two sampling areas (Upper …

Evaluating the use of macroscale variables as proxies for local aquatic variables and to model stream fish distributions

RG Frederico, P De Marco Jr, J Zuanon - Freshwater Biology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The geographical ranges of species are influenced by three components: spatial distribution
of environmental conditions, biotic interactions and the dispersal capacity of species. The …

Spatial distribution of acid-sensitive and acid-impacted streams in relation to watershed features in the southern Appalachian Mountains

TJ Sullivan, JR Webb, KU Snyder, AT Herlihy… - Water, Air, and Soil …, 2007 - Springer
A geologic classification scheme was combined with elevation to test hypotheses regarding
watershed sensitivity to acidic deposition using available regional spatial data and to delimit …