Impacts of artificial light at night in marine ecosystems—A review
The globally widespread adoption of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) began in the mid‐20th
century. Yet, it is only in the last decade that a renewed research focus has emerged into its …
century. Yet, it is only in the last decade that a renewed research focus has emerged into its …
Gone with the wind: effects of wind on honey bee visit rate and foraging behaviour
Highlights•The effects of wind on the foraging behaviour of honey bee workers were
tested.•Foraging rate significantly decreased in higher wind speeds.•This was due to …
tested.•Foraging rate significantly decreased in higher wind speeds.•This was due to …
Underwater visibility constrains the foraging behaviour of a diving pelagic seabird
Understanding the sensory ecology of species is vital if we are to predict how they will
function in a changing environment. Visual cues are fundamentally important for many …
function in a changing environment. Visual cues are fundamentally important for many …
How do Magellanic penguins cope with variability in their access to prey?
Movements of animals provisioning offspring by central place foraging extend from short,
highly local trips where food is brought back essentially unchanged from its normal condition …
highly local trips where food is brought back essentially unchanged from its normal condition …
High sea surface temperatures driven by a strengthening current reduce foraging success by penguins
The world's oceans are undergoing rapid, regionally specific warming. Strengthening
western boundary currents play a role in this phenomenon, with sea surface temperatures …
western boundary currents play a role in this phenomenon, with sea surface temperatures …
Patterns of energy acquisition by a central place forager: benefits of alternating short and long foraging trips
In some seabirds, foraging trips have been defined as either long or short, with the length of
time spent traveling to the foraging area apparently a critical feature in determining foraging …
time spent traveling to the foraging area apparently a critical feature in determining foraging …
Non-consumptive factors affecting foraging patterns in Antarctic penguins: a review and synthesis
DG Ainley, G Ballard - Polar Biology, 2012 - Springer
Recent research has clearly shown that the fear of predation, ie aversion to taking risks,
among mesopredators or grazers, and not merely flight from an apex predator to avoid …
among mesopredators or grazers, and not merely flight from an apex predator to avoid …
Feeding of diving predators and diel vertical migration of prey: King penguins¹ diet versus trawl sampling at Kerguelen Islands
The diving behavior and diet composition of King penguins were examined during summer
1995 at Kerguelen Islands. This was in relation to real-time estimations of diel prey …
1995 at Kerguelen Islands. This was in relation to real-time estimations of diel prey …
Foraging strategies and prey encounter rate of free-ranging Little Penguins
There is little information on the effort put into foraging by seabirds, even though it is
fundamental to many issues in behavioural ecology. Recent researchers have used …
fundamental to many issues in behavioural ecology. Recent researchers have used …
Fine-scale spatial age segregation in the limited foraging area of an inshore seabird species, the little penguin
Competition for food resources can result in spatial and dietary segregation among
individuals from the same species. Few studies have looked at such segregations with the …
individuals from the same species. Few studies have looked at such segregations with the …