A review on control strategies for compensation of hysteresis and creep on piezoelectric actuators based micro systems
The piezoelectric actuators are widely used to realize high precise motion with fractional
force and torque in both linear and rotary joints of the micro-systems. The control system …
force and torque in both linear and rotary joints of the micro-systems. The control system …
Invited review article: High-speed flexure-guided nanopositioning: Mechanical design and control issues
Recent interest in high-speed scanning probe microscopy for high-throughput applications
including video-rate atomic force microscopy and probe-based nanofabrication has sparked …
including video-rate atomic force microscopy and probe-based nanofabrication has sparked …
A survey of control issues in nanopositioning
Nanotechnology is the science of understanding matter and the control of matter at
dimensions of 100 nm or less. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and …
dimensions of 100 nm or less. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and …
High-speed atomic force microscopy for nano-visualization of dynamic biomolecular processes
The atomic force microscope (AFM) has a unique capability of allowing the high-resolution
imaging of biological samples on substratum surfaces in physiological solutions. Recent …
imaging of biological samples on substratum surfaces in physiological solutions. Recent …
A review of feedforward control approaches in nanopositioning for high-speed SPM
GM Clayton, S Tien, KK Leang, Q Zou, S Devasia - 2009 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Control can enable high-bandwidth nanopositioning needed to increase the operating
speed of scanning probe microscopes (SPMs). High-speed SPMs can substantially impact …
speed of scanning probe microscopes (SPMs). High-speed SPMs can substantially impact …
[ספר][B] Design, modeling and control of nanopositioning systems
AJ Fleming, KK Leang - 2014 - Springer
This chapter provides an introduction to the design, applications, and characteristics of
piezoelectric nanopositioning systems. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics that …
piezoelectric nanopositioning systems. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics that …
Design and modeling of a high-speed AFM-scanner
A new mechanical scanner design for a high-speed atomic force microscope (AFM) is
presented and discussed in terms of modeling and control. The positioning range of this …
presented and discussed in terms of modeling and control. The positioning range of this …
High-speed AFM and nano-visualization of biomolecular processes
Conventional atomic force microscopes (AFMs) take at least 30–60 s to capture an image,
while dynamic biomolecular processes occur on a millisecond timescale or less. To narrow …
while dynamic biomolecular processes occur on a millisecond timescale or less. To narrow …
Iterative control of dynamics-coupling-caused errors in piezoscanners during high-speed AFM operation
This paper addresses the compensation of the dynamics-coupling effect in piezoscanners
used for positioning in atomic force microscopes (AFMs). Piezoscanners are used to position …
used for positioning in atomic force microscopes (AFMs). Piezoscanners are used to position …
Imaging of nucleic acids with atomic force microscopy
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a key tool of nanotechnology with great importance in
applications to DNA nanotechnology and to the recently emerging field of RNA …
applications to DNA nanotechnology and to the recently emerging field of RNA …