[HTML][HTML] When the music's over. Does music skill transfer to children's and young adolescents' cognitive and academic skills? A meta-analysis
Music training has been recently claimed to enhance children and young adolescents'
cognitive and academic skills. However, substantive research on transfer of skills suggests …
cognitive and academic skills. However, substantive research on transfer of skills suggests …
Music training for the development of auditory skills
N Kraus, B Chandrasekaran - Nature reviews neuroscience, 2010 - nature.com
The effects of music training in relation to brain plasticity have caused excitement, evident
from the popularity of books on this topic among scientists and the general public …
from the popularity of books on this topic among scientists and the general public …
Music training increases phonological awareness and reading skills in developmental dyslexia: A randomized control trial
E Flaugnacco, L Lopez, C Terribili, M Montico, S Zoia… - PloS one, 2015 - journals.plos.org
There is some evidence for a role of music training in boosting phonological awareness,
word segmentation, working memory, as well as reading abilities in children with typical …
word segmentation, working memory, as well as reading abilities in children with typical …
Short-term music training enhances verbal intelligence and executive function
Researchers have designed training methods that can be used to improve mental health
and to test the efficacy of education programs. However, few studies have demonstrated …
and to test the efficacy of education programs. However, few studies have demonstrated …
[KNYGA][B] The power of music
S Hallam - 2015 - discovery.ucl.ac.uk
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 The Power of Music a research synthesis of the impact of actively
making music on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young …
making music on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young …
Music playschool enhances children's linguistic skills
Several studies have suggested that intensive musical training enhances children's
linguistic skills. Such training, however, is not available to all children. We studied in a …
linguistic skills. Such training, however, is not available to all children. We studied in a …
Why would musical training benefit the neural encoding of speech? The OPERA hypothesis
AD Patel - Frontiers in psychology, 2011 - frontiersin.org
Mounting evidence suggests that musical training benefits the neural encoding of speech.
This paper offers a hypothesis specifying why such benefits occur. The “OPERA” hypothesis …
This paper offers a hypothesis specifying why such benefits occur. The “OPERA” hypothesis …
Musicians and music making as a model for the study of brain plasticity
G Schlaug - Progress in brain research, 2015 - Elsevier
Playing a musical instrument is an intense, multisensory, and motor experience that usually
commences at an early age and requires the acquisition and maintenance of a range of …
commences at an early age and requires the acquisition and maintenance of a range of …
How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables
Musical training has recently gained additional interest in education as increasing
neuroscientific research demonstrates its positive effects on brain development …
neuroscientific research demonstrates its positive effects on brain development …
[HTML][HTML] Behavioral and neural correlates of executive functioning in musicians and non-musicians
Executive functions (EF) are cognitive capacities that allow for planned, controlled behavior
and strongly correlate with academic abilities. Several extracurricular activities have been …
and strongly correlate with academic abilities. Several extracurricular activities have been …