Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), third‐wave CBT and interpersonal therapy (IPT) based interventions for preventing depression in children and adolescents

SE Hetrick, GR Cox, KG Witt, JJ Bir… - Cochrane database of …, 2016 -
Background Depression is common in young people. It has a marked negative impact and is
associated with self‐harm and suicide. Preventing its onset would be an important advance …

Executive function and attention in children and adolescents with depressive disorders: a systematic review

V Vilgis, TJ Silk, A Vance - European child & adolescent psychiatry, 2015 - Springer
Numerous studies have shown that Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in adults is
associated with deficits in cognitive control. Particularly, impairment on executive function …

Strukturierte klinische Interviews zur Erfassung psychischer Störungen über die Lebensspanne

J Margraf, JC Cwik, V Pflug… - Zeitschrift für Klinische …, 2017 -
Psychische Störungen können über die ganze Lebensspanne auftreten. Strukturierte
klinische Interviews sind zentrale Hilfsmittel für ihre rasche, zuverlässige und umfassende …

A test battery for attentional performance

P Zimmermann, B Fimm - Applied neuropsychology of attention, 2004 -
All of the actions we carry out that are not based on overlearned routines must be controlled
by functions that can be summarized under the concept of 'attention'. Every moment that we …

[KNJIGA][B] Dissoziales Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Erscheinungsformen, Entwicklung, Prävention und Intervention

A Beelmann, T Raabe - 2007 -
Dissoziale Verhaltensprobleme wie oppositionelles, aggressives, delinquentes und
kriminelles Verhalten sind unter Kindern und Jugendlichen weit verbreitet. Sie verursachen …

The longitudinal BELLA study: design, methods and first results on the course of mental health problems

U Ravens-Sieberer, C Otto, L Kriston… - European child & …, 2015 - Springer
The high prevalence of mental health problems (MHP) in childhood and adolescence is a
global health challenge of the 21st century. Information about age of onset, persistence and …

[KNJIGA][B] Interviews mit Kindern

T Trautmann - 2010 - Springer
„Das Interview erscheint als einfache Methode, nicht zuletzt aufgrund seiner Nähe zum
Alltagsgespräch. Fragen zu stellen liegt nahe und erscheint so leicht. Darin liegt etwas …

Evaluation of the self-reported SDQ in a clinical setting: do self-reports tell us more than ratings by adult informants?

A Becker, N Hagenberg, V Roessner… - European child & …, 2004 - Springer
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the German self-reported Strengths and
Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in a clinical setting. We also investigated whether this …

Effects of early-life adversity on hippocampal structures and associated HPA axis functions

B Dahmen, VB Puetz, W Scharke… - Developmental …, 2018 -
Early-life adversity (ELA) is one of the major risk factors for serious mental and physical
health risks later in life. ELA has been associated with dysfunctional neurodevelopment …

Strong genetic evidence of DCDC2 as a susceptibility gene for dyslexia

J Schumacher, H Anthoni, F Dahdouh, IR König… - The American Journal of …, 2006 -
We searched for linkage disequilibrium (LD) in 137 triads with dyslexia, using markers that
span the most-replicated dyslexia susceptibility region on 6p21-p22, and found association …