Whole‐body endothermy: ancient, homologous and widespread among the ancestors of mammals, birds and crocodylians
The whole‐body (tachymetabolic) endothermy seen in modern birds and mammals is long
held to have evolved independently in each group, a reasonable assumption when it was …
held to have evolved independently in each group, a reasonable assumption when it was …
[HTML][HTML] Late Permian (Lo**ian) terrestrial ecosystems: a global comparison with new data from the low-latitude Bletterbach Biota
The late Palaeozoic is a pivotal period for the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems.
Generalised warming and aridification trends resulted in profound floral and faunal turnover …
Generalised warming and aridification trends resulted in profound floral and faunal turnover …
The macroevolutionary singularity of snakes
Snakes and lizards (Squamata) represent a third of terrestrial vertebrates and exhibit
spectacular innovations in locomotion, feeding, and sensory processing. However, the …
spectacular innovations in locomotion, feeding, and sensory processing. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] The phylogenetic relationships of basal archosauromorphs, with an emphasis on the systematics of proterosuchian archosauriforms
The early evolution of archosauromorphs during the Permo-Triassic constitutes an excellent
empirical case study to shed light on evolutionary radiations in deep time and the timing and …
empirical case study to shed light on evolutionary radiations in deep time and the timing and …
Enigmatic dinosaur precursors bridge the gap to the origin of Pterosauria
Pterosaurs were the first vertebrates to evolve powered flight and comprised one of the main
evolutionary radiations in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mesozoic era (approximately 252–66 …
evolutionary radiations in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mesozoic era (approximately 252–66 …
[ספר][B] Vertebrate skeletal histology and paleohistology
V de Buffrénil, AJ de Ricqlès, L Zylberberg, K Padian - 2021 - books.google.com
Vertebrate Skeletal Histology and Paleohistology summarizes decades of research into the
biology and biological meaning of hard tissues, in both living and extinct vertebrates. In …
biology and biological meaning of hard tissues, in both living and extinct vertebrates. In …
[HTML][HTML] Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history
MJ Benton, PCJ Donoghue, RJ Asher, M Friedman… - 2015 - palaeo-electronica.org
Dating the tree of life is a core endeavor in evolutionary biology. Rates of evolution are
fundamental to nearly every evolutionary model and process. Rates need dates. There is …
fundamental to nearly every evolutionary model and process. Rates need dates. There is …
New reptile shows dinosaurs and pterosaurs evolved among diverse precursors
Dinosaurs and pterosaurs have remarkable diversity and disparity through most of the
Mesozoic Era,–. Soon after their origins, these reptiles diversified into a number of long-lived …
Mesozoic Era,–. Soon after their origins, these reptiles diversified into a number of long-lived …
The earliest bird-line archosaurs and the assembly of the dinosaur body plan
The relationship between dinosaurs and other reptiles is well established,,,, but the
sequence of acquisition of dinosaurian features has been obscured by the scarcity of fossils …
sequence of acquisition of dinosaurian features has been obscured by the scarcity of fossils …
Scleromochlus and the early evolution of Pterosauromorpha
Pterosaurs, the first vertebrates to evolve powered flight, were key components of Mesozoic
terrestrial ecosystems from their sudden appearance in the Late Triassic until their demise at …
terrestrial ecosystems from their sudden appearance in the Late Triassic until their demise at …