The intrinsic vulnerability to fishing of coral reef fishes and their differential recovery in fishery closures
Coral reef fishes differ in their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing and rates of population
recovery after cessation of fishing. We reviewed life history-based predictions about the …
recovery after cessation of fishing. We reviewed life history-based predictions about the …
[PDF][PDF] Otolith removal and preparation for microstructural examination
DH Secor, JM Dean, EH Laban - … microstructure examination and …, 1992 - researchgate.net
Over the past 20 years, the number of published otolith microstructure studies has grown
exponentially (see Jones, this volume). In a literature review, we found that otolith studies …
exponentially (see Jones, this volume). In a literature review, we found that otolith studies …
Can otolith microchemistry chart patterns of migration and habitat utilization in anadromous fishes?
Seasonal and ontogenetic patterns in estuarine and coastal migrations of anadromous fish
species have important consequences to their survival, growth, recruitment, and …
species have important consequences to their survival, growth, recruitment, and …
Age determination in common carp Cyprinus carpio: history, relative utility of ageing structures, precision and accuracy
L Vilizzi - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2018 - Springer
The common carp Cyprinus carpio is one of the most widely-distributed freshwater fishes in
the world. Due to its value for conservation and fisheries in several native/translocated areas …
the world. Due to its value for conservation and fisheries in several native/translocated areas …
First evidence of grass carp recruitment in the Great Lakes Basin
DC Chapman, JJ Davis, JA Jenkins… - Journal of Great Lakes …, 2013 - Elsevier
We use aging techniques, ploidy analysis, and otolith microchemistry to assess whether four
grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella captured from the Sandusky River, Ohio were the …
grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella captured from the Sandusky River, Ohio were the …
Experimental determination of the sources of otolith carbon and associated isotopic fractionation
Otolith stable carbon isotope ratios provide a unique and widely applicable environmental
record. Unfortunately, uncertainty regarding the proportion of otolith carbon that derives from …
record. Unfortunately, uncertainty regarding the proportion of otolith carbon that derives from …
Temperature effects on the timing of striped bass egg production, larval viability, and recruitment potential in the Patuxent River (Chesapeake Bay)
The relationships between egg production (spawning behavior), larval growth and survival,
and environmental conditions that larvae encounter were investigated in the Patuxent River …
and environmental conditions that larvae encounter were investigated in the Patuxent River …
Using hard‐part microchemistry to advance conservation and management of North American freshwater fishes
Hard-part microchemistry offers a powerful tool for inferring the environmental history and
stock assignment of individual fishes. However, despite the applicability of this technique to …
stock assignment of individual fishes. However, despite the applicability of this technique to …
Interactive effects of habitat selection, food supply and predation on recruitment of an estuarine fish
P Levin, R Petrik, J Malone - Oecologia, 1997 - Springer
Seagrass meadows are often important habitats for newly recruited juvenile fishes. Although
substantial effort has gone into documenting patterns of association of fishes with attributes …
substantial effort has gone into documenting patterns of association of fishes with attributes …
[HTML][HTML] Application of otolith microchemistry analysis to investigate anadromy in Chesapeake Bay striped bass
DH Secor - Fish. Bull, 1992 - books.google.com
Methods Sr/Ca ratios were examined for five large adults from the Chesapeake Bay and
South Carolina (Table 1). Adults from the Chesapeake were presumed to be anadromous …
South Carolina (Table 1). Adults from the Chesapeake were presumed to be anadromous …