The intrinsic vulnerability to fishing of coral reef fishes and their differential recovery in fishery closures

RA Abesamis, AL Green, GR Russ… - Reviews in Fish Biology …, 2014 - Springer
Coral reef fishes differ in their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing and rates of population
recovery after cessation of fishing. We reviewed life history-based predictions about the …

[PDF][PDF] Otolith removal and preparation for microstructural examination

DH Secor, JM Dean, EH Laban - … microstructure examination and …, 1992 -
Over the past 20 years, the number of published otolith microstructure studies has grown
exponentially (see Jones, this volume). In a literature review, we found that otolith studies …

Can otolith microchemistry chart patterns of migration and habitat utilization in anadromous fishes?

DH Secor, A Henderson-Arzapalo, PM Piccoli - Journal of experimental …, 1995 - Elsevier
Seasonal and ontogenetic patterns in estuarine and coastal migrations of anadromous fish
species have important consequences to their survival, growth, recruitment, and …

Age determination in common carp Cyprinus carpio: history, relative utility of ageing structures, precision and accuracy

L Vilizzi - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2018 - Springer
The common carp Cyprinus carpio is one of the most widely-distributed freshwater fishes in
the world. Due to its value for conservation and fisheries in several native/translocated areas …

First evidence of grass carp recruitment in the Great Lakes Basin

DC Chapman, JJ Davis, JA Jenkins… - Journal of Great Lakes …, 2013 - Elsevier
We use aging techniques, ploidy analysis, and otolith microchemistry to assess whether four
grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella captured from the Sandusky River, Ohio were the …

Experimental determination of the sources of otolith carbon and associated isotopic fractionation

CT Solomon, PK Weber, JJ Cech, Jr… - Canadian Journal of …, 2006 -
Otolith stable carbon isotope ratios provide a unique and widely applicable environmental
record. Unfortunately, uncertainty regarding the proportion of otolith carbon that derives from …

Temperature effects on the timing of striped bass egg production, larval viability, and recruitment potential in the Patuxent River (Chesapeake Bay)

DH Secor, ED Houde - Estuaries, 1995 - Springer
The relationships between egg production (spawning behavior), larval growth and survival,
and environmental conditions that larvae encounter were investigated in the Patuxent River …

Using hard‐part microchemistry to advance conservation and management of North American freshwater fishes

BM Pracheil, JD Hogan, J Lyons, PB McIntyre - Fisheries, 2014 -
Hard-part microchemistry offers a powerful tool for inferring the environmental history and
stock assignment of individual fishes. However, despite the applicability of this technique to …

Interactive effects of habitat selection, food supply and predation on recruitment of an estuarine fish

P Levin, R Petrik, J Malone - Oecologia, 1997 - Springer
Seagrass meadows are often important habitats for newly recruited juvenile fishes. Although
substantial effort has gone into documenting patterns of association of fishes with attributes …

[HTML][HTML] Application of otolith microchemistry analysis to investigate anadromy in Chesapeake Bay striped bass

DH Secor - Fish. Bull, 1992 -
Methods Sr/Ca ratios were examined for five large adults from the Chesapeake Bay and
South Carolina (Table 1). Adults from the Chesapeake were presumed to be anadromous …