[HTML][HTML] Liquefaction characteristics of sand-gravel mixtures: Experimental observations and its assessment based on intergranular state concept
Case histories from at least 28 earthquakes worldwide have indicated that liquefaction can
occur in gravelly soils (both in natural deposits and manmade reclamations), inducing large …
occur in gravelly soils (both in natural deposits and manmade reclamations), inducing large …
The liquefaction and cyclic mobility performance of embankment systems constructed with different sand gradations
A broad range of coarse-grained soils that vary in gradation uniformities, maximum particle
sizes, and absolute densities are prone to liquefaction during earthquake shaking. However …
sizes, and absolute densities are prone to liquefaction during earthquake shaking. However …
Predictive model for shear wave velocity of gravelly soil and its application to liquefaction triggering assessment
Several studies have established empirical correlations between shear wave velocity (V s)
and standard penetration test blow count (SPT-N) for engineering use. However, these …
and standard penetration test blow count (SPT-N) for engineering use. However, these …
A Comparative Study of the DPT and CPT in Evaluating Liquefaction Potential for Gravelly Soil at the Port of Wellington, New Zealand
Characterizing gravelly soil using in situ penetration testing procedures is a significant
challenge for geotechnical engineers. The interaction between the penetrometer and large …
challenge for geotechnical engineers. The interaction between the penetrometer and large …
Liquefaction assessment of gravelly soils: the role of in situ and laboratory geotechnical tests through the case study of the Sulmona basin (Central Italy)
Even though liquefaction in gravelly soil is well documented in many earthquakes since
1891, most of the “simplified procedures” and national buildings codes still consider only …
1891, most of the “simplified procedures” and national buildings codes still consider only …
Evaluation of volumetric threshold shear strain of gravel-sand mixtures in centrifuge model tests
A series of dynamic centrifuge modeling tests were conducted to evaluate the volumetric
threshold shear strain of loose gravel-sand mixtures composed of various ratios of gravel …
threshold shear strain of loose gravel-sand mixtures composed of various ratios of gravel …
[PDF][PDF] Liquefaction Assessment in Gravels using Vs and DPT Blow Count from Case Histories
Gravelly soils have liquefied at multiple sites in at least 27 earthquakes over the past 130
years. These gravels typically contain more than 25% sand which lowers the permeability …
years. These gravels typically contain more than 25% sand which lowers the permeability …
Comparison Static and Dynamic Compressibility of Poorly Graded Gravel in Centrifuge Modeling Tests
N Chaowalittrakul, I Sasanakul - Geotechnical Frontiers 2025 - ascelibrary.org
This paper presents results from centrifuge modeling tests performed to evaluate static and
dynamic compressibility of gravelly soil. The test soil is a poorly graded gravel containing …
dynamic compressibility of gravelly soil. The test soil is a poorly graded gravel containing …