Technology Acceptance Model in M-learning context: A systematic review

M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin - Computers & Education, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Various review studies were conducted to provide valuable insights into the current research
trend of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Nevertheless, this issue still needs to be …

An empirical examination of continuous intention to use m-learning: An integrated model

M Al-Emran, I Arpaci, SA Salloum - Education and information …, 2020‏ - Springer
To the best of our knowledge, much research has been conducted concerning the topic of
mobile learning (m-learning) adoption or acceptance. However, examining the continued …

Determinants affecting mobile banking adoption by generation Y based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model modified by the …

W Boonsiritomachai… - Kasetsart Journal of …, 2019‏ -
This study was undertaken to explore the determinants affecting behavioral intention to
adopt mobile banking among generation Y. Based on the theoretical model incorporating …

From consumer satisfaction to recommendation of mobile app–based services: An overview of mobile taxi booking apps

AW Siyal, C Hongzhuan, C Gang - Sage Open, 2021‏ -
Since MTB has been deemed as the business model of 21st century but its long-term
sustainability depends on level of consumer satisfaction with its applicability in their …

Students' motivation and continued intention with online self-regulated learning: A self-determination theory perspective

Y Luo, J Lin, Y Yang - Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2021‏ - Springer
Continued self-regulation is recognized as a critical factor for students' successful learning in
an online learning environment. In the context of college students' online self-regulated …

Smart home: Highly-educated students' acceptance

P Baudier, C Ammi, M Deboeuf-Rouchon - Technological Forecasting and …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In the coming years, cities face an urban transition in order to manage their resources, public
administration, safety, regional economics, education, innovation, health, culture, and …

Modeling students' readiness to adopt mobile learning in higher education: An empirical study

AS Al-Adwan, A Al-Madadha, Z Zvirzdinaite - International Review of …, 2018‏ -
Mobile devices are increasingly coming to penetrate people's daily lives. Mobile learning (m-
learning) is viewed as key to the coming era of electronic learning (e-learning). In the …

Predicting mobile banking acceptance and loyalty in Chinese bank customers

AW Siyal, D Donghong, WA Umrani, S Siyal… - Sage …, 2019‏ -
Mobile banking (m banking) is the breakthrough technology in banking sector which has
significantly improved efficiency of banks and people's quality of life. Banks seem …

The mediating role of hedonic motivation on the relationship between adoption of e-banking and its determinants

MG Salimon, RZB Yusoff… - International Journal of …, 2017‏ -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the combined roles that perceived
usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use, perceived security and hedonic motivation play on …

Motives of mobile payment adoption during COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka: a holistic approach of both customers' and retailers' perspectives

PGSA Jayarathne, BTK Chathuranga… - South Asian Journal of …, 2022‏ -
Purpose This study aims to investigate the motives of mobile payment adoption from both
customers' and retailers' perspectives in Sri Lanka during the COVID-19 pandemic period. It …