Technology Acceptance Model in M-learning context: A systematic review
Various review studies were conducted to provide valuable insights into the current research
trend of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Nevertheless, this issue still needs to be …
trend of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Nevertheless, this issue still needs to be …
An empirical examination of continuous intention to use m-learning: An integrated model
To the best of our knowledge, much research has been conducted concerning the topic of
mobile learning (m-learning) adoption or acceptance. However, examining the continued …
mobile learning (m-learning) adoption or acceptance. However, examining the continued …
Determinants affecting mobile banking adoption by generation Y based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model modified by the …
This study was undertaken to explore the determinants affecting behavioral intention to
adopt mobile banking among generation Y. Based on the theoretical model incorporating …
adopt mobile banking among generation Y. Based on the theoretical model incorporating …
From consumer satisfaction to recommendation of mobile app–based services: An overview of mobile taxi booking apps
Since MTB has been deemed as the business model of 21st century but its long-term
sustainability depends on level of consumer satisfaction with its applicability in their …
sustainability depends on level of consumer satisfaction with its applicability in their …
Students' motivation and continued intention with online self-regulated learning: A self-determination theory perspective
Y Luo, J Lin, Y Yang - Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2021 - Springer
Continued self-regulation is recognized as a critical factor for students' successful learning in
an online learning environment. In the context of college students' online self-regulated …
an online learning environment. In the context of college students' online self-regulated …
Smart home: Highly-educated students' acceptance
In the coming years, cities face an urban transition in order to manage their resources, public
administration, safety, regional economics, education, innovation, health, culture, and …
administration, safety, regional economics, education, innovation, health, culture, and …
Modeling students' readiness to adopt mobile learning in higher education: An empirical study
Mobile devices are increasingly coming to penetrate people's daily lives. Mobile learning (m-
learning) is viewed as key to the coming era of electronic learning (e-learning). In the …
learning) is viewed as key to the coming era of electronic learning (e-learning). In the …
Predicting mobile banking acceptance and loyalty in Chinese bank customers
Mobile banking (m banking) is the breakthrough technology in banking sector which has
significantly improved efficiency of banks and people's quality of life. Banks seem …
significantly improved efficiency of banks and people's quality of life. Banks seem …
The mediating role of hedonic motivation on the relationship between adoption of e-banking and its determinants
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the combined roles that perceived
usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use, perceived security and hedonic motivation play on …
usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use, perceived security and hedonic motivation play on …
Motives of mobile payment adoption during COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka: a holistic approach of both customers' and retailers' perspectives
Purpose This study aims to investigate the motives of mobile payment adoption from both
customers' and retailers' perspectives in Sri Lanka during the COVID-19 pandemic period. It …
customers' and retailers' perspectives in Sri Lanka during the COVID-19 pandemic period. It …