[HTML][HTML] Human health and environmental impacts of coal combustion and post-combustion wastes
ME Munawer - Journal of Sustainable Mining, 2018 - Elsevier
Due to its high energy generation potential, coal is widely used in power generation in
different countries. Although, the presence of carbon, hydrogen and sulfur in coal facilitates …
different countries. Although, the presence of carbon, hydrogen and sulfur in coal facilitates …
A critical review on the occurrence and distribution of the uranium-and thorium-decay nuclides and their effect on the quality of groundwater
This critical review presents the key factors that control the occurrence of natural elements
from the uranium-and thorium-decay series, also known as naturally occurring radioactive …
from the uranium-and thorium-decay series, also known as naturally occurring radioactive …
Evaluation of environmental radioactivity in soils around a coal burning power plant and a coal mining area in Barapukuria, Bangladesh: Radiological risks …
To study the distributions and potential dispersions of naturally occurring radioactive
materials (NORMs: 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K) from coal-based activities (Barapukuria …
materials (NORMs: 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K) from coal-based activities (Barapukuria …
Assessment of hazardous radionuclide emission due to fly ash from fossil fuel combustion in industrial activities in India and its impact on public
Traditionally coal has been extensively used as a dominating fossil fuel in a wide range of
industries due to its abundance. In India, industries like thermal power plants, cement …
industries due to its abundance. In India, industries like thermal power plants, cement …
Heavy metals in human teeth dentine: A bio-indicator of metals exposure and environmental pollution
With rapid urbanization and large-scale industrial activities, modern human populations are
being increasingly subjected to chronic environmental heavy metal exposures. Elemental …
being increasingly subjected to chronic environmental heavy metal exposures. Elemental …
Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and potential radiological risks of common building materials used in Bangladeshi dwellings
The concentrations of primordial radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) in commonly used
building materials (brick, cement and sand), the raw materials of cement and the by-products …
building materials (brick, cement and sand), the raw materials of cement and the by-products …
Soil-to-root vegetable transfer factors for 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, and 88Y in Malaysia
Soil-to-plant transfer factors (TFs) are of fundamental importance in assessing the
environmental impact due to the presence of radioactivity in soil and agricultural crops …
environmental impact due to the presence of radioactivity in soil and agricultural crops …
Distribution of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil around a coal-based power plant and their potential radiological risk assessment
Coal-fly-ash is one of the major byproducts of coal-based power plant in which naturally
occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) are drastically enriched compared to those of feed …
occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) are drastically enriched compared to those of feed …
Natural radioactivity levels and radiological implications in the high natural radiation area of Wadi El Reddah, Egypt
Abstract Wadi El Reddah, Egypt, is mostly enclosed by scattered exposure to the
chronological sequence of a metavolcanic and metagabbro-diorite complex. There are …
chronological sequence of a metavolcanic and metagabbro-diorite complex. There are …
Environmental impacts of coal-mining and coal-fired power-plant activities in a develo** country with global context
MA Habib, R Khan - Spatial modeling and assessment of environmental …, 2021 - Springer
To represent a comprehensive scenario regarding the coal mining and coal-fired power
plant activities in a develo** country (Bangladesh) and to understand the total …
plant activities in a develo** country (Bangladesh) and to understand the total …