[HTML][HTML] Normalising the “new normal”: Changing tech-driven work practices under pandemic time pressure

N Carroll, K Conboy - International journal of information management, 2020 - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic has had massive implications for the nature of work and the role
technology plays in the workplace. Organisations have been forced into rapid 'big …

The clinical information systems response to the COVID-19 pandemic

JJ Reeves, NM Pageler, EC Wick… - Yearbook of medical …, 2021 - thieme-connect.com
Objective: The year 2020 was predominated by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic. The objective of this article is to review the areas in which clinical information …

[PDF][PDF] African regional responses to COVID-19

A Medinilla, B Byiers, P Apiko - Brussels: ecdpm, DP, 2020 - elibrary.acbfpact.org
There is widespread recognition that the novel coronavirus is a global challenge. In order to
contain the virus and address its devastating secondary effects, global collective action will …

Rethinking green investment and corporate sustainability: the south European countries experiences during the COVID-19 crisis

V Brescia, P Esposito, S Amelio… - EuroMed Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a crisis that has hit the European
economy and the currently existing systems. To cope with the crisis, Europe has started an …

[PDF][PDF] COVID-19 pandemic–related policy stringency and economic decline: was it really inevitable?

UQ Bajra, F Aliu, B Aver, S Čadež - Economic Research-Ekonomska …, 2023 - hrcak.srce.hr
The coronavirus outbreak in 2020 shattered economies, public health and public well-being
worldwide literally overnight. In response to the pandemic, most countries implemented a …

[PDF][PDF] Half-time analysis: How is Team Europe doing

A Jones, K Sergejeff - The Centre for Africa-Europe Relations, 2022 - ecdpm.org
Geopolitical stakes for Europe are higher than they have ever been. The war in Ukraine has
forced the European Union (EU) to take a stronger geopolitical role and tested the collective …

Global spread and socio-economic determinants of Covid-19 pandemic

V Jain, L Singh - Seoul journal of economics, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
COVID-19 pandemic being highly lethal has spread so swiftly across the globe that it has
infected more than three million persons across 209 countries within a short time-span of …

[PDF][PDF] Saving Africa's private sector jobs during the coronavirus pandemic

S Bilal, S Griffith-Jones, S Kapoor, S Karingi… - ECDPM, ODI, Re …, 2020 - academia.edu
Africa is facing a series of shocks that are leaving many jobs and livelihoods at risk. By early
February 2020, and without a single case of the coronavirus, Africa was already facing …

[PDF][PDF] The EU's capacity for crisis response: A look at the 2022 food crisis

M Di Ciommo, F Rampa, K Dekeyser - ECDPM Discussion Paper 330 …, 2022 - ecdpm.org
The 2022 global food crisis, originating in long-standing vulnerabilities of international
markets and local food systems and aggravated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has …