Bugsjs: a benchmark of javascript bugs
JavaScript is a popular programming language that is also error-prone due to its
asynchronous, dynamic, and loosely-typed nature. In recent years, numerous techniques …
asynchronous, dynamic, and loosely-typed nature. In recent years, numerous techniques …
MODE: automated neural network model debugging via state differential analysis and input selection
Artificial intelligence models are becoming an integral part of modern computing systems.
Just like software inevitably has bugs, models have bugs too, leading to poor classification …
Just like software inevitably has bugs, models have bugs too, leading to poor classification …
Typilus: Neural type hints
Type inference over partial contexts in dynamically typed languages is challenging. In this
work, we present a graph neural network model that predicts types by probabilistically …
work, we present a graph neural network model that predicts types by probabilistically …
NL2Type: Inferring JavaScript function types from natural language information
JavaScript is dynamically typed and hence lacks the type safety of statically typed
languages, leading to suboptimal IDE support, difficult to understand APIs, and unexpected …
languages, leading to suboptimal IDE support, difficult to understand APIs, and unexpected …
Typewriter: Neural type prediction with search-based validation
Maintaining large code bases written in dynamically typed languages, such as JavaScript or
Python, can be challenging due to the absence of type annotations: simple data …
Python, can be challenging due to the absence of type annotations: simple data …
Lambdanet: Probabilistic type inference using graph neural networks
Characterizing the natural language descriptions in software logging statements
Logging is a common programming practice of great importance in modern software
development, because software logs have been widely used in various software …
development, because software logs have been widely used in various software …
To type or not to type? a systematic comparison of the software quality of javascript and typescript applications on github
JavaScript (JS) is one of the most popular programming languages, and widely used for web
apps, mobile apps, desktop clients, and even backend development. Due to its dynamic and …
apps, mobile apps, desktop clients, and even backend development. Due to its dynamic and …
Type4Py: Practical deep similarity learning-based type inference for Python
Dynamic languages, such as Python and Javascript, trade static ty** for developer
flexibility and productivity. Lack of static ty** can cause run-time exceptions and is a major …
flexibility and productivity. Lack of static ty** can cause run-time exceptions and is a major …
An empirical study of automated unit test generation for Python
Various mature automated test generation tools exist for statically typed programming
languages such as Java. Automatically generating unit tests for dynamically typed …
languages such as Java. Automatically generating unit tests for dynamically typed …