Quantum entanglement

R Horodecki, P Horodecki, M Horodecki… - Reviews of modern …, 2009 - APS
All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say that what is
predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum …

Entanglement in many-body systems

L Amico, R Fazio, A Osterloh, V Vedral - Reviews of modern physics, 2008 - APS
Recent interest in aspects common to quantum information and condensed matter has
prompted a flurry of activity at the border of these disciplines that were far distant until a few …

Continuous variable quantum information: Gaussian states and beyond

G Adesso, S Ragy, AR Lee - Open Systems & Information Dynamics, 2014 - World Scientific
The study of Gaussian states has arisen to a privileged position in continuous variable
quantum information in recent years. This is due to vehemently pursued experimental …

Quantum-enhanced noise radar

CW Chang, AM Vadiraj, J Bourassa, B Balaji… - Applied Physics …, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
We propose a protocol for quantum illumination: a quantum-enhanced noise radar. A two-
mode squeezed state, which exhibits continuous-variable entanglement between so-called …

[КНИГА][B] A guide to experiments in quantum optics

HA Bachor, TC Ralph - 2019 - books.google.com
Provides fully updated coverage of new experiments in quantum optics This fully revised
and expanded edition of a well-established textbook on experiments on quantum optics …

Entanglement in continuous-variable systems: recent advances and current perspectives

G Adesso, F Illuminati - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the theory of continuous-variable entanglement with special emphasis on
foundational aspects, conceptual structures and mathematical methods. Much attention is …

Quantum versus classical correlations in Gaussian states

G Adesso, A Datta - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
Quantum discord, a measure of genuinely quantum correlations, is generalized to
continuous variable systems. For all two-mode Gaussian states, we calculate analytically the …

Generating entangled microwave radiation over two transmission lines

E Flurin, N Roch, F Mallet, MH Devoret, B Huard - Physical review letters, 2012 - APS
Using a superconducting circuit, the Josephson mixer, we demonstrate the first experimental
realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states of microwave light. Driven by a …

No-go theorem for Gaussian quantum error correction

J Niset, J Fiurášek, NJ Cerf - Physical review letters, 2009 - APS
We prove that Gaussian operations are of no use for protecting Gaussian states against
Gaussian errors in quantum communication protocols. Specifically, we introduce a new …

Multiphoton quantum optics and quantum state engineering

F Dell'Anno, S De Siena, F Illuminati - Physics reports, 2006 - Elsevier
We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics.
Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter–radiation …