Quantum entanglement
All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say that what is
predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum …
predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum …
Entanglement in many-body systems
Recent interest in aspects common to quantum information and condensed matter has
prompted a flurry of activity at the border of these disciplines that were far distant until a few …
prompted a flurry of activity at the border of these disciplines that were far distant until a few …
Continuous variable quantum information: Gaussian states and beyond
The study of Gaussian states has arisen to a privileged position in continuous variable
quantum information in recent years. This is due to vehemently pursued experimental …
quantum information in recent years. This is due to vehemently pursued experimental …
Quantum-enhanced noise radar
We propose a protocol for quantum illumination: a quantum-enhanced noise radar. A two-
mode squeezed state, which exhibits continuous-variable entanglement between so-called …
mode squeezed state, which exhibits continuous-variable entanglement between so-called …
[КНИГА][B] A guide to experiments in quantum optics
Provides fully updated coverage of new experiments in quantum optics This fully revised
and expanded edition of a well-established textbook on experiments on quantum optics …
and expanded edition of a well-established textbook on experiments on quantum optics …
Entanglement in continuous-variable systems: recent advances and current perspectives
We review the theory of continuous-variable entanglement with special emphasis on
foundational aspects, conceptual structures and mathematical methods. Much attention is …
foundational aspects, conceptual structures and mathematical methods. Much attention is …
Quantum versus classical correlations in Gaussian states
Quantum discord, a measure of genuinely quantum correlations, is generalized to
continuous variable systems. For all two-mode Gaussian states, we calculate analytically the …
continuous variable systems. For all two-mode Gaussian states, we calculate analytically the …
Generating entangled microwave radiation over two transmission lines
Using a superconducting circuit, the Josephson mixer, we demonstrate the first experimental
realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states of microwave light. Driven by a …
realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states of microwave light. Driven by a …
No-go theorem for Gaussian quantum error correction
We prove that Gaussian operations are of no use for protecting Gaussian states against
Gaussian errors in quantum communication protocols. Specifically, we introduce a new …
Gaussian errors in quantum communication protocols. Specifically, we introduce a new …
Multiphoton quantum optics and quantum state engineering
We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics.
Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter–radiation …
Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter–radiation …