2015 American Thyroid Association management guidelines for adult patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer: the American Thyroid Association …

BR Haugen, EK Alexander, KC Bible, GM Doherty… - Thyroid, 2016 - liebertpub.com
Background: Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem, and differentiated thyroid
cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent. Since the American Thyroid Association's …

Progress in molecular-based management of differentiated thyroid cancer

M **ng, BR Haugen, M Schlumberger - The Lancet, 2013 - thelancet.com
Substantial developments have occurred in the past 5–10 years in clinical translational
research of thyroid cancer. Diagnostic molecular markers, such as RET-PTC, RAS, and …

American association of clinical endocrinologists, American college of endocrinology, and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi medical guidelines for clinical practice …

H Gharib, E Papini, JR Garber, DS Duick, RM Harrell… - Endocrine practice, 2016 - Elsevier
Thyroid nodules are detected in up to 50 to 60% of healthy subjects. Most nodules do not
cause clinically significant symptoms, and as a result, the main challenge in their …

[PDF][PDF] Guidelines for the management of thyroid cancer.

P Perros, K Boelaert, S Colley, C Evans… - Clinical …, 2014 - rouxgroup.org.uk
Guidelines for the management of thyroid cancer Page 1 CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY

Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer: the American Thyroid Association …

DS Cooper, GM Doherty, BR Haugen, RT Kloos… - Thyroid, 2009 - liebertpub.com
Background: Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem, and differentiated thyroid
cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent. Since the publication of the American Thyroid …

Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology

F Nardi, F Basolo, A Crescenzi, G Fadda… - Journal of …, 2014 - Springer
Thyroid nodules are diagnosed with increasing frequency in clinical practice. The first step in
the management of patients presenting with thyroid nodules is an accurate triage of those …

Thyroid nodules

G Popoveniuc, J Jonklaas - Medical Clinics of North America, 2012 - Elsevier
Thyroid nodules are common entities, clinically important primarily because of their
malignant potential. Serum thyrotropin and thyroid ultrasonography are pivotal in evaluating …

Thyroid nodule update on diagnosis and management

S Tamhane, H Gharib - Clinical diabetes and endocrinology, 2016 - Springer
Thyroid nodules are common. The clinical importance of thyroid nodules is related to
excluding malignancy (4.0 to 6.5% of all thyroid nodules), evaluate their functional status …

A large multicenter correlation study of thyroid nodule cytopathology and histopathology

CCC Wang, L Friedman, GC Kennedy, H Wang… - Thyroid, 2011 - liebertpub.com
Background: Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies are the cornerstone of preoperative
evaluation of thyroid nodules, but FNA diagnostic performance has varied across different …

Immunohistochemistry in the pathologic diagnosis and management of thyroid neoplasms

A Crescenzi, Z Baloch - Frontiers in endocrinology, 2023 - frontiersin.org
The use of immunohistochemistry cannot be underestimated in the everyday practice of
thyroid pathology. It has evolved over the years beyond the traditional confirmation of thyroid …