Palaeoclimate across the Late Pennsylvanian–Early Permian tropical palaeolatitudes: a review of climate indicators, their distribution, and relation to …
Global-scale compilations of palaeoclimate indicators include records of the temporal and
spatial occurrence of coal, laterite, bauxite, Vertisols, calcrete, eolianite, and evaporite at the …
spatial occurrence of coal, laterite, bauxite, Vertisols, calcrete, eolianite, and evaporite at the …
Problems and cautions with sequence mismatch analysis and Bayesian skyline plots to infer historical demography
WS Grant - Journal of Heredity, 2015 -
Sequence mismatch analysis (MMA) and Bayesian skyline plots (BSP) are commonly used
to reconstruct historical demography. A survey of 173 research articles (2009–2014), which …
to reconstruct historical demography. A survey of 173 research articles (2009–2014), which …
Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by both soils and climate
Forest structure and dynamics vary across the Amazon Basin in an east-west gradient
coincident with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that …
coincident with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that …
The historical connections between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest revisited
Aim To assess ancient biotic connections between the Amazon Forest (AmF) and the
Atlantic Forest (AtF) based on environmental niche modelling (ENM), palaeobiological, and …
Atlantic Forest (AtF) based on environmental niche modelling (ENM), palaeobiological, and …
An estimate of the number of tropical tree species
The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains
substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a …
substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a …
Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees
Tropical tree height-diameter (H: D) relationships may vary by forest type and region making
large-scale estimates of above-ground biomass subject to bias if they ignore these …
large-scale estimates of above-ground biomass subject to bias if they ignore these …
Mountain gorilla genomes reveal the impact of long-term population decline and inbreeding
Mountain gorillas are an endangered great ape subspecies and a prominent focus for
conservation, yet we know little about their genomic diversity and evolutionary past. We …
conservation, yet we know little about their genomic diversity and evolutionary past. We …
Evaluating mechanisms of diversification in a Guineo‐Congolian tropical forest frog using demographic model selection
The accumulation of biodiversity in tropical forests can occur through multiple allopatric and
parapatric models of diversification, including forest refugia, riverine barriers and ecological …
parapatric models of diversification, including forest refugia, riverine barriers and ecological …
Drought‐induced shifts in the floristic and functional composition of tropical forests in Ghana
The future of tropical forests under global environmental change is uncertain, with
biodiversity and carbon stocks at risk if precipitation regimes alter. Here, we assess changes …
biodiversity and carbon stocks at risk if precipitation regimes alter. Here, we assess changes …
Dipterocarpoidae genomics reveal their demography and adaptations to Asian rainforests
Dipterocarpoideae species form the emergent layer of Asian rainforests. They are the
indicator species for Asian rainforest distribution, but they are severely threatened. Here, to …
indicator species for Asian rainforest distribution, but they are severely threatened. Here, to …