Leveraging organizational climate theory for understanding industry-academia collaboration

S Sherman, I Hadar, G Luria - Information and Software Technology, 2018 - Elsevier
Context Industry-academia collaboration (IAC) in the field of software engineering is widely
discussed in the literature, highlighting its importance and benefits. However, along with the …

How does object-oriented code refactoring influence software quality? Research landscape and challenges

S Kaur, P Singh - Journal of Systems and Software, 2019 - Elsevier
Context Software refactoring aims to improve software quality and developer productivity.
Numerous empirical studies investigating the impact of refactoring activities on software …

Refactoring embedded software: A study in healthcare domain

P Smiari, S Bibi, A Ampatzoglou… - Information and Software …, 2022 - Elsevier
Context In embedded software industry, stakeholders usually promote run-time properties
(eg, performance, energy efficiency, etc.) as quality drivers, which in many cases leads to a …

On the investigation of empirical contradictions-aggregated results of local studies on readability and comprehensibility of source code

TV Ribeiro, PSM dos Santos, GH Travassos - Empirical Software …, 2023 - Springer
Context Reading and understanding the source code are fundamental to supporting
software programmers' daily activities. Still, there is no agreement regarding the program …

[PDF][PDF] Who is Right? Evaluating Empirical Contradictions in the Readability and Comprehensibility of Source Code.

TV Ribeiro, G Travassos - CIbSE, 2017 - researchgate.net
Context: Several code guidelines aim at providing a common perspective on the readability
and comprehensibility of source code. However, in many cases, they are contradictory on …

Insights on Transferring Software Engineering Scientific Knowledge to Practice

TV Ribeiro, JC Carver, GH Travassos - Congresso Brasileiro de …, 2023 - sol.sbc.org.br
CONTEXTO. Na engenharia de software (ES), alinhar pesquisa e prática tem sido um
desafio. OBJETIVO. Auxiliar os pesquisadores na extração de questões práticas dos …

Alinhando perspectivas de qualidade em código fonte a partir de estudos experimentais-um caso na indústria

TV Ribeiro, GH Travassos - Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de …, 2015 - sol.sbc.org.br
Atividades de retrabalho são responsáveis por grande parte dos custos de um projeto de
desenvolvimento de software, sendo que parte poderia ser evitada. Este artigo apresenta a …

[PDF][PDF] É Possível Balancear Qualidade e Time-to-Deliver em Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software para Inovação?

LMA Nascimento, TV Ribeiro - XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2017 - researchgate.net
The costs in quality are necessary for the permanence of an organization in the market.
However, it conflicts with the software development for innovation context, which aim at …

3rd International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI 2015) Post-workshop Report

CHC Duarte, X Franch, NH Madhavji - ACM SIGSOFT Software …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
Few would deny today the importance of empirical studies in the field of Software
Engineering and, indeed, an increasing number of studies are being conducted involving …