Exact out-of-equilibrium steady states in the semiclassical limit of the interacting Bose gas
We study the out-of-equilibrium properties of a classical integrable non-relativistic theory,
with a time evolution initially prepared with a finite energy density in the thermodynamic limit …
with a time evolution initially prepared with a finite energy density in the thermodynamic limit …
Higher-Order Field Theories:, and Beyond
The ϕ^ 4 model has been the “workhorse” of the classical Ginzburg–Landau
phenomenological theory of phase transitions and, furthermore, the foundation for a large …
phenomenological theory of phase transitions and, furthermore, the foundation for a large …
Dynamics of kinks: Nucleation, diffusion, and annihilation
We investigate the nucleation, annihilation, and dynamics of kinks in a classical (1+ 1)−
dimensional φ 4 field theory at finite temperature. From large scale Langevin simulations, we …
dimensional φ 4 field theory at finite temperature. From large scale Langevin simulations, we …
Exact Thermodynamics of the Double sinh-Gordon Theory in Dimensions
A Khare, S Habib, A Saxena - Physical review letters, 1997 - APS
We study the classical thermodynamics of a (1+ 1)-dimensional double-well sinh-Gordon
theory. Remarkably, the Schrödinger-like equation resulting from the transfer integral …
theory. Remarkably, the Schrödinger-like equation resulting from the transfer integral …
Defect formation and critical dynamics in the early universe
We study the nonequilibrium dynamics leading to the formation of topological defects in a
symmetry-breaking phase transition of a quantum scalar field with λ Φ 4 self-interaction in a …
symmetry-breaking phase transition of a quantum scalar field with λ Φ 4 self-interaction in a …
Interaction Between Kink and Radiation in Model
The radiation from oscillating kink in (1+ 1) dimensional relativistic $\phi^ 4$ model is
considered. Both analytical and numerical approaches are presented and the comparison …
considered. Both analytical and numerical approaches are presented and the comparison …
Statistical mechanics of double sinh-Gordon kinks
S Habib, A Khare, A Saxena - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1998 - Elsevier
We study the classical thermodynamics of the double sinh-Gordon (DSHG) theory in 1+ 1
dimensions. This model theory has a double well potential V (φ)=(ζ cosh2φ− n) 2 when n> ζ …
dimensions. This model theory has a double well potential V (φ)=(ζ cosh2φ− n) 2 when n> ζ …
Counting defects in an instantaneous quench
We consider the formation of defects in a nonequilibrium second-order phase transition
induced by an instantaneous quench to zero temperature in a type II superconductor. We …
induced by an instantaneous quench to zero temperature in a type II superconductor. We …
Towards a phase diagram of the 2D Skyrme model
We discuss calculations of the phase diagram of the baby Skyrme model, a two-dimensional
version of the model that has been so successful in the description of baryons. Contact is …
version of the model that has been so successful in the description of baryons. Contact is …
Kinks in the Hartree approximation
M Salle - Physical Review D, 2004 - APS
The topological defects of λ φ 4 theory, the kink and antikink, are studied in the Hartree
approximation. This allows us to discuss quantum effects on defects in both stationary and …
approximation. This allows us to discuss quantum effects on defects in both stationary and …