Origins, innovations, and diversification of suction feeding in vertebrates
We review the origins, prominent innovations, and major patterns of diversification in suction
feeding by vertebrates. Non-vertebrate chordates and larval lamprey suspension-feed by …
feeding by vertebrates. Non-vertebrate chordates and larval lamprey suspension-feed by …
Phylogenetic perspectives on reef fish functional traits
Functional traits have been fundamental to the evolution and diversification of entire fish
lineages on coral reefs. Yet their relationship with the processes promoting speciation …
lineages on coral reefs. Yet their relationship with the processes promoting speciation …
mvmorph: an r package for fitting multivariate evolutionary models to morphometric data
We present mvmorph, a package of multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods for the r
statistical environment. mvmorph is freely available on the cran package repository …
statistical environment. mvmorph is freely available on the cran package repository …
Two new graphical methods for map** trait evolution on phylogenies
Modern phylogenetic comparative biology uses data from the relationships between species
(phylogeny) combined with comparative information for phenotypic traits to draw model …
(phylogeny) combined with comparative information for phenotypic traits to draw model …
Body shape diversification along the benthic–pelagic axis in marine fishes
Colonization of novel habitats can result in marked phenotypic responses to the new
environment that include changes in body shape and opportunities for further morphological …
environment that include changes in body shape and opportunities for further morphological …
A morphospace for reef fishes: elongation is the dominant axis of body shape evolution
Tropical reef fishes are widely regarded as being perhaps the most morphologically diverse
vertebrate assemblage on earth, yet much remains to be discovered about the scope and …
vertebrate assemblage on earth, yet much remains to be discovered about the scope and …
Size, microhabitat, and loss of larval feeding drive cranial diversification in frogs
Habitat is one of the most important factors sha** organismal morphology, but it may vary
across life history stages. Ontogenetic shifts in ecology may introduce antagonistic selection …
across life history stages. Ontogenetic shifts in ecology may introduce antagonistic selection …
A new phylogenetic test for comparing multiple high-dimensional evolutionary rates suggests interplay of evolutionary rates and modularity in lanternfishes …
The interplay between evolutionary rates and modularity influences the evolution of
organismal body plans by both promoting and constraining the magnitude and direction of …
organismal body plans by both promoting and constraining the magnitude and direction of …
Beaks promote rapid morphological diversification along distinct evolutionary trajectories in labrid fishes (Eupercaria: Labridae)
The upper and lower jaws of some wrasses (Eupercaria: Labridae) possess teeth that have
been coalesced into a strong durable beak that they use to graze on hard coral skeletons …
been coalesced into a strong durable beak that they use to graze on hard coral skeletons …
Reduced evolutionary constraint accompanies ongoing radiation in deep-sea anglerfishes
Colonization of a novel habitat is often followed by phenotypic diversification in the wake of
ecological opportunity. However, some habitats should be inherently more constraining than …
ecological opportunity. However, some habitats should be inherently more constraining than …