[HTML][HTML] Experimental study on the mechanical and failure behaviors of deep rock subjected to true triaxial stress: A review
It has become an inevitable trend of human development to seek resources from the deep
underground. However, rock encountered in deep underground engineering is usually in an …
underground. However, rock encountered in deep underground engineering is usually in an …
[HTML][HTML] Geomechanical challenges during geological CO2 storage: A review
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) method is the only viable method for reducing
massive amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) from the atmosphere to prevent the subsequent …
massive amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) from the atmosphere to prevent the subsequent …
Comparative analysis for slope stability by using machine learning methods
Featured Application The presented paper conducted a comparative analysis based on well-
known MLP, SVM, DT, and RF learning methods to assess/predict the safety factor (FS) of …
known MLP, SVM, DT, and RF learning methods to assess/predict the safety factor (FS) of …
Evaluating the effects of porosity on the mechanical properties of extrusion-based 3D printed concrete
Elements fabricated by extrusion-based 3D concrete printing (3DCP) display anisotropic
mechanical properties when subject to loading conditions orientated in principle cartesian …
mechanical properties when subject to loading conditions orientated in principle cartesian …
[HTML][HTML] Reliability of offshore wind turbine support structures: A state-of-the-art review
Abstract OWT (Offshore Wind Turbine) support structures are exposed to harsh ocean
environment with significant uncertainties in soil properties and environmental loads …
environment with significant uncertainties in soil properties and environmental loads …
Energy balance support method in soft rock tunnel with energy absorbing anchor cable
G Li, C Zhu, L Hongliang, S Tang, K Du… - … and Underground Space …, 2023 - Elsevier
Deformation and failure phenomena in rock mass after excavation can be described from
the energy perspective, ie the work done by external forces increases the energy, thereby …
the energy perspective, ie the work done by external forces increases the energy, thereby …
Formation mechanism of a disaster chain in Loess Plateau: a case study of the Pucheng County disaster chain on August 10, 2023, in Shaanxi Province, China
Under the heavy rainfall risk due to global warming, a new trend has emerged in geological
disasters of loess, which have often evolved into a chain form of disaster chain of loess …
disasters of loess, which have often evolved into a chain form of disaster chain of loess …
Laboratory investigation on strength characteristics of expansive soil treated with jute fiber reinforcement
Based on an extensive list of research work, expansive soil is renowned for its swelling-
shrinkage property. Despite the wealth of research, the strength characteristics of expansive …
shrinkage property. Despite the wealth of research, the strength characteristics of expansive …
Coupled phase-field and plasticity modeling of geological materials: From brittle fracture to ductile flow
The failure behavior of geological materials depends heavily on confining pressure and
strain rate. Under a relatively low confining pressure, these materials tend to fail by brittle …
strain rate. Under a relatively low confining pressure, these materials tend to fail by brittle …
Failure properties of cubic granite, marble, and sandstone specimens under true triaxial stress
Cubic specimens of granite, marble, and sandstone, with side lengths of 50 mm, were
prepared in the laboratory. True triaxial compression tests were conducted on each rock …
prepared in the laboratory. True triaxial compression tests were conducted on each rock …