Waveguide quantum electrodynamics: Collective radiance and photon-photon correlations
This review describes the emerging field of waveguide quantum electrodynamics concerned
with the interaction of photons propagating in a waveguide with localized quantum emitters …
with the interaction of photons propagating in a waveguide with localized quantum emitters …
Superfluorescence from lead halide perovskite quantum dot superlattices
An ensemble of emitters can behave very differently from its individual constituents when
they interact coherently via a common light field. After excitation of such an ensemble …
they interact coherently via a common light field. After excitation of such an ensemble …
Superradiance in a large and dilute cloud of cold atoms in the linear-optics regime
Superradiance has been extensively studied in the 1970s and 1980s in the regime of
superfluorescence, where a large number of atoms are initially excited. Cooperative …
superfluorescence, where a large number of atoms are initially excited. Cooperative …
Storage and release of subradiant excitations in a dense atomic cloud
We report the observation of subradiance in dense ensembles of cold Rb 87 atoms
operating near Dicke's regime of a large number of atoms in a volume with dimensions …
operating near Dicke's regime of a large number of atoms in a volume with dimensions …
The dependent scattering effect on radiative properties of micro/nanoscale discrete disordered media
The dependent scattering effect (DSE), which arises from the wave nature of
electromagnetic radiation, is a critical mechanism affecting the radiative properties of …
electromagnetic radiation, is a critical mechanism affecting the radiative properties of …
Collective shift in resonant light scattering by a one-dimensional atomic chain
We experimentally study resonant light scattering by a one-dimensional randomly filled
chain of cold two-level atoms. By a local measurement of the light scattered along the chain …
chain of cold two-level atoms. By a local measurement of the light scattered along the chain …
Disorder-enhanced and disorder-independent transport with long-range hop**: Application to molecular chains in optical cavities
Overcoming the detrimental effect of disorder at the nanoscale is very hard since disorder
induces localization and an exponential suppression of transport efficiency. Here we unveil …
induces localization and an exponential suppression of transport efficiency. Here we unveil …
Maximum refractive index of an atomic medium
It is interesting to observe that all optical materials with a positive refractive index have a
value of index that is of order unity. Surprisingly, though, a deep understanding of the …
value of index that is of order unity. Surprisingly, though, a deep understanding of the …
Superatom picture of collective nonclassical light emission and dipole blockade in atom arrays
We show that two-time, second-order correlations of scattered photons from planar arrays
and chains of atoms display nonclassical features that can be described by a superatom …
and chains of atoms display nonclassical features that can be described by a superatom …
Many-body localization in waveguide quantum electrodynamics
At the quantum many-body level, atom-light interfaces generally remain challenging to solve
for or understand in a nonperturbative fashion. Here we consider a waveguide quantum …
for or understand in a nonperturbative fashion. Here we consider a waveguide quantum …