Epitaxial quantum dots: a semiconductor launchpad for photonic quantum technologies

X Zhou, L Zhai, J Liu - Photonics Insights, 2023 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Epitaxial quantum dots formed by III–V compound semiconductors are excellent sources of
non-classical photons, creating single photons and entangled multi-photon states on …

Direct observation of a few-photon phase shift induced by a single quantum emitter in a waveguide

MJR Staunstrup, A Tiranov, Y Wang, S Scholz… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Realizing a sensitive photon-number-dependent phase shift on a light beam is required both
in classical and quantum photonics. It may lead to new applications for classical and …

Giant optical polarisation rotations induced by a single quantum dot spin

E Mehdi, M Gundín, C Millet, N Somaschi… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
In the framework of optical quantum computing and communications, a major objective
consists in building receiving nodes implementing conditional operations on incoming …

Realization of a Coherent and Efficient One-Dimensional Atom

N Tomm, NO Antoniadis, M Janovitch, M Brunelli… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
A quantum emitter interacting with photons in a single optical-mode constitutes a one-
dimensional atom. A coherent and efficiently coupled one-dimensional atom provides a …

Non-Hermitian unidirectional routing of photonic qubits

EZ Li, YY Liu, MX Dong, DS Ding, BS Shi - Physical Review Applied, 2024 - APS
Efficient and tunable qubit unidirectional routers and spin-wave diodes play an important
role in classical and quantum information processing domains. Here we reveal that …

Nonunitary gate operations by dissipation engineering

E Zapusek, A Javadi, F Reiter - Quantum Science and …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Irreversible logic is at odds with unitary quantum evolution. Emulating such operations by
classical measurements can result in disturbances and high resource demands. To …

Unidirectional photonic reflector using a defective atomic lattice

T Li, H Yang, M Wang, C Yin, T Zhang, Y Zhang - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
Based on the broken spatial symmetry, we propose a scheme for engineering a
unidirectional photonic reflector using a one-dimensional atomic lattice with defective cells …

Direct observation of non-linear optical phase shift induced by a single quantum emitter in a waveguide

MJR Staunstrup, A Tiranov, Y Wang, S Scholz… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
Realizing a sensitive photon-number-dependent phase shift on a light beam is required both
in classical and quantum photonics. It may lead to new applications for classical and …

Giant polarisation rotation with a quantum dot-based spin-photon interface

E Mehdi - 2023 - theses.hal.science
The development of an interface between stationary qubits and messenger qubits offers
many possibilities for quantum communications, via the exchange of information between …


C Yurou, Q Jiangnan, Z Binbin, W Yufei, C Mingyuan… - 2025 - opg.optica.org
Nonreciprocal optical devices (NROD) working in the quantum regime are the key building
blocks for nonreciprocal quantum information processing. Conventional NRODs require a …