[Књига][B] Variable neighborhood search

Variable neighborhood search (VNS) is a metaheuristic for solving combinatorial and global
optimization problems whose basic idea is a systematic change of neighborhood both within …

[PDF][PDF] A comprehensive survey on the metric dimension problem of graphs and its types

B Mohamed - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Consider a robot that is navigating a graph-based environment and trying to figure out
where it is at the moment. It can send a signal to determine how far away it is from every set …

Getting the lay of the land in discrete space: A survey of metric dimension and its applications

RC Tillquist, RM Frongillo, ME Lladser - SIAM Review, 2023 - SIAM
The metric dimension of a graph is the smallest number of nodes required to identify all
other nodes uniquely based on shortest path distances. Applications of metric dimension …

Metric dimension related parameters in graphs: A survey on combinatorial, computational and applied results

D Kuziak, IG Yero - arxiv preprint arxiv:2107.04877, 2021 - arxiv.org
Topics concerning metric dimension related invariants in graphs are nowadays intensively
studied. This compendium of combinatorial and computational results on this topic is an …

Binary equilibrium optimization algorithm for computing connected domination metric dimension problem

B Mohamed, L Mohaisen, M Amin - Scientific Programming, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We consider, in this paper, the NP‐hard problem of finding the minimum connected
domination metric dimension of graphs. A vertex set B of a connected graph G=(V, E) …

[PDF][PDF] Computing Connected Resolvability of Graphs Using Binary Enhanced Harris Hawks Optimization.

B Mohamed, L Mohaisen, M Amin - Intelligent Automation & Soft …, 2023 - researchgate.net
In this paper, we consider the NP-hard problem of finding the minimum connected resolving
set of graphs. A vertex set B of a connected graph G resolves G if every vertex of G is …

[PDF][PDF] A hybrid optimization algorithms for solving metric dimension problem

B Mohamed, M Amin - … Journal on Applications of Graph Theory in …, 2023 - researchgate.net
In this paper, we consider the NP-hard problem of finding the minimum resolving set of
graphs. A vertex set B of a connected graph G resolves G if every vertex of G is uniquely …

[HTML][HTML] Binary rat swarm optimizer algorithm for computing independent domination metric dimension problem

IM Batiha, B Mohamed - Mathematical Models in Engineering, 2024 - extrica.com
In this article, we look at the NP-hard problem of determining the minimum independent
domination metric dimension of graphs. A vertex set B of a connected graph G (V, E) …

Low-dimensional representation of genomic sequences

RC Tillquist, ME Lladser - Journal of mathematical biology, 2019 - Springer
Numerous data analysis and data mining techniques require that data be embedded in a
Euclidean space. When faced with symbolic datasets, particularly biological sequence data …

Metric-locating-dominating sets of graphs for constructing related subsets of vertices

A González, C Hernando, M Mora - Applied mathematics and computation, 2018 - Elsevier
A dominating set S of a graph is a metric-locating-dominating set if each vertex of the graph
is uniquely distinguished by its distances from the elements of S, and the minimum …